yoginam—of the yogis SB 3.25.19, SB 5.6.6
yoginam—the yogi Bg 6.27
yoginam—a highly elevated mystic SB 9.6.38
yoginam—of learned transcendentalists Bg 6.42
yoginam—of all yogis Bg 6.47
yoginam—of the saints SB 1.19.37
yoginam—of all who are self-satisfied SB 2.1.11
yoginam—of the mystics SB 2.8.20
yoginam—of yogis SB 3.25.2
yoginam—by the great yogis or devotees SB 6.14.23
yoginam—of great yogis, mystics SB 10.9.9
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: yoginam
ku-yoginam—of persons not in the line of devotional service SB 4.20.25
ku-yoginam—of those who are attached to the objects of the senses SB 6.16.47
kuta-yoginam—for the pseudo mystics. SB 2.9.20