yasah—reputation SB 3.22.13, SB 4.1.31, SB 4.8.68, SB 4.8.69, SB 4.15.4, SB 4.16.21, SB 4.21.7, SB 4.21.8, SB-4.21.38, SB 4.25.39 (and more...)
yasah—glories SB 1.1.16, SB 1.5.8, SB 1.5.10, SB 1.5.11, SB 1.16.13-15, SB 3.16.6
yasah—glorification SB 4.20.26, SB 4.31.24
yasah—the reputation SB 8.19.32, SB 8.20.8
yasah—the glories Madhya 24.98, Antya 1.175
yasah—wonderful activities SB 1.10.25
yasah—in fame SB 1.18.11
yasah—recognition SB 3.14.44-45
yasah—reputation and glory SB 6.10.32
yasah—good reputation SB 6.19.25
yasah—perpetual fame SB 8.20.13
yasah—famous glories SB 9.11.21
yasah—His glories or reputation. SB 9.24.61
yasah—whose fame Madhya 23.87-91
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: yasah
bhoja-yasah-karah—a brilliant star in the Bhoja dynasty SB 10.1.37
hrsikesa-yasah—by the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hrsikesa, the master of all senses SB 5.13.21
maha-yasah—with a background of great activities SB 4.21.6
maha-yasah—very celebrated, well-known SB 8.4.9
maha-yasah—having a great reputation SB 9.8.4
maha-yasah—the very famous transcendentalist SB 10.8.50
su-maha-yasah—greatly famous SB 9.23.32
su-yasah—very famous SB 4.23.34
trnabindoh yasah-dharah—continued the fame of King Trnabindu. SB 9.2.35-36
vira-yasah-karebhyah—who bring renown to heroes themselves. SB 4.17.36
yasah amalam—unadulterated glories SB 1.5.28
yasah vrttim—reputation and means of livelihood SB 8.20.2
yasah-dharanam—of us who inherited the fame SB 1.17.31
yasah-dha—famous SB 3.1.38
yasah-dhama—the glories of the Lord SB 8.4.3-4
yasah-ghnah—spoiling the fame SB 4.2.10
yasah-ha—defaming the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 6.5.38
yasah-karam—enhancing the glory SB 3.28.18
yasah-karam—fit for spreading your reputation SB 8.19.2
yasah-kamah—one who desires to be famous SB 2.3.2-7
yasah-tirtha-vare—keeping oneself in the best of holy places by hearing the transcendental activities of the Lord SB 9.24.62