yaksa—the leaders of the Yaksas SB 2.6.43-45
yaksa—the superprotectors SB 3.10.28-29
yaksa—Yaksas SB 4.12.1
yaksa—the Yaksas (the descendants of Kuvera) SB 4.18.21
yaksa—ghosts named Yaksas SB 6.8.24
yaksa—the living entities known as Yaksas SB 10.6.27-29
yaksa—ghost Madhya 20.133
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: yaksa
yaksa-isvara—the lord of the Yaksas (Kuvera) SB 4.6.28
yaksa-patih—the king of the Yaksas SB 4.1.37
yaksa-raksasam—of the Yaksas and Raksasas Bg 10.23
yaksa-raksah-pisaca-preta-bhuta-gananam—of Yaksas, Raksasas, Pisacas, ghosts and so on SB 5.24.5
yaksa-raksobhih—Yaksas and Raksasas SB 3.19.21
yaksa-raksamsi—the living entities known as the Yaksas and Raksasas SB 7.7.54
yaksa-raksamsi rajasah—those who are in the mode of passion worship demons Bg 17.4
yaksa-raksasan—Yaksas and Raksasas SB 8.1.26
yaksa-rat—Kuvera, the treasurer of heaven and King of the Yaksas SB 8.18.17