yajamanah—the performer of the sacrifice (Daksa) SB 4.6.51
yajamanah—King Daksa SB 4.7.18
yajamanah—the performer of the sacrifice SB 4.13.29
yajamanah—the sacrificer SB 5.7.6
yajamanah—performing sacrifice SB 6.9.3
yajamanah—as well as Bali Maharaja, who had engaged them in performing the yajna SB 8.18.22
yajamanah—Bali Maharaja, who had engaged all the priests in performing the sacrifice SB 8.18.26
yajamanah—the worshiper (Bali Maharaja) SB 8.20.18
yajamanah—the performer SB 9.6.35-36
Can't find any compound Sanskrit words containing yajamanah.