vyakta—evident Adi 3.50
vyakta—manifested Madhya 20.401
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vyakta
vyakta haila—was revealed. Antya 9.145
vyakta kare—exhibits Antya 14.81
vyakta-arthah—whose purpose is manifested SB 7.13.10
vyakta-avyaktam—manifested and unmanifested, or the gross body and the subtle body SB 6.1.54
vyakta-avyaktam—this material cosmic manifestation, consisting of cause and effect, or gross and subtle forms SB 10.10.29
vyakta-bhuk—controlling all physical movement SB 3.11.3
vyakta-drsteh—who oversees the material manifestation SB 6.4.24