vrttayah—activities. SB 4.29.57, SB 5.11.9
vrttayah—reactions SB 3.6.27
vrttayah—occupations. SB 3.12.35
vrttayah—the characteristics. SB 3.26.39
vrttayah—functions SB 3.26.40
vrttayah—the characteristic functions SB 3.26.43
vrttayah—the various transactions SB 7.7.25
vrttayah—professional. SB 9.14.38
vrttayah—activities (thinking, feeling and willing) Adi 6.60
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vrttayah
indriya-vrttayah—those with sense perception. SB 3.29.28
mati-vrttayah—mental concoction. SB 4.22.14