Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vrtra
vrtra-sirah—the head of Vrtrasura SB 6.9.54
vrtra-gada-abhimrstah—struck by the club in Vrtrasura’s hand SB 6.11.11
vrtra-grastam—swallowed by Vrtrasura SB 6.12.30
vrtra-hatyam—the killing of Vrtra SB 6.13.5
vrtra-ha—Indra. SB 9.7.19
vrtra-nathah—the soldiers led by Vrtrasura SB 6.10.27
vrtra-purahsarah—headed by Vrtrasura. SB 6.10.17-18
vrtra-vacah—the words of Vrtrasura SB 6.12.18
vrtra-visphotanena—the tumultuous sound of Vrtrasura SB 6.11.7