vrsa—O bull SB 1.17.13
vrsa—most exquisite SB 3.28.25
vrsa—the bull Adi 17.153
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vrsa
purah-vrsa-indrah—having the Nandi bull in front SB 4.4.4
vrsa hana—becoming a bull Adi 5.136
vrsa-ankena—by Lord Siva, who sits on a bull SB 8.8.1
vrsa-dhvaja—Lord Siva, who rides on a bull SB 4.7.10
vrsa-dhvajam—Lord Siva SB 7.10.61
vrsa-dhvajah—Lord Siva, who is carried by a bull SB 8.12.1-2
vrsa-durmarsana-adikan—begot sons headed by Vrsa and Durmarsana SB 9.24.42
vrsa-indram—on the bull SB 4.4.5
vrsa-rupa-dhrk—in the disguise of a bull SB 1.17.22
vrsa-sthitam—seated upon his bull SB 9.18.9