Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vrajendra
vrajendra-nandana—the son of Maharaja Nanda Adi 8.51, Madhya 2.15, Madhya 8.136, Madhya 8.221, Madhya 11.24, Madhya 18.126, Madhya 20.378, Madhya 24.315, Antya 12.5, Antya 15.7
vrajendra-nandana—Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja Madhya 2.16, Madhya 20.240, Madhya 20.247, Antya 17.23, Antya 18.80
vrajendra-kumara—the son of the King of Vraja Adi 2.109, Adi 3.5
vrajendra-kumara—the son of Nanda Maharaja. Adi 5.212, Antya 7.26
vrajendra-kumara—Lord Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja. Adi 13.62, Madhya 15.138
vrajendra-nandana—the son of the King of Vraja. Adi 2.120, Madhya 12.61
vrajendra-nandana—Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda. Madhya 6.280, Antya 14.19
vrajendra-nandana—Lord Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda. Madhya 9.131, Madhya 23.92
nahe vrajendra-nandana—not the son of Nanda Maharaja. Madhya 20.196
saksat vrajendra-nandana—personally the son of Maharaja Nanda. Antya 14.31
vrajendra-konara—the son of Maharaja Nanda. Madhya 20.201
vrajendra-kula—the dynasty of Maharaja Nanda in Vrajabhumi Antya 19.36
vrajendra-kula-candramah—the moon of the family of Vrajaraja (Nanda Maharaja) Antya 1.168
vrajendra-kumara—the child of King Nanda Adi 4.222
vrajendra-kumara—Lord Krsna Adi 13.52
vrajendra-kumara—the son of Vrajendra, Lord Krsna. Adi 13.71
vrajendra-kumara—originally Lord Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda Madhya 1.273
vrajendra-kumara—the son of Maharaja Nanda. Madhya 20.383
vrajendra-nandana—Lord Sri Krsna Adi 17.278
vrajendra-nandana—the lotus feet of Lord Krsna. Madhya 8.223
vrajendra-nandana—the son of Maharaja Nanda, Krsna. Madhya 8.231
vrajendra-nandana—the son of Nanda Maharaja, the King of Vrajabhumi Madhya 9.130
vrajendra-nandana—directly the son of Maharaja Nanda Madhya 18.118
vrajendra-nandana—Krsna Himself Madhya 20.341
vrajendra-nandana—the son of Nanda Maharaja, Krsna Antya 3.265
vrajendra-nandana—the shelter of Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja. Antya 7.28
vrajendra-nandana krsna—Lord Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda Madhya 23.66
vrajendra-nandane—Lord Krsna Adi 17.277
vrajendra-nandane—the son of Nanda Maharaja Adi 17.303
vrajendra-nandane—the son of Maharaja Nanda, Krsna. Madhya 8.230
vrajendra-nandane—of the son of Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda Madhya 20.178
vrajendra-suta—the son of Nanda Maharaja Adi 5.225