vivasah—unable to give up SB 5.13.18
vivasah—being helpless SB 5.24.20
vivasah—unable to control himself SB 6.1.9
vivasah—in a helpless condition SB 6.2.7
vivasah—under her control SB 6.18.29
vivasah—circumstantially helpless SB 8.2.31
vivasah—automatically SB 3.9.15
vivasah—helpless SB 3.32.21
vivasah—unable to deviate SB 5.1.11
vivasah—fully dependent SB 6.12.8
vivasah—being unable SB 8.6.34
vivasah—exile. SB 3.16.12
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vivasah
prema-vivasah—being overwhelmed by ecstatic love of Krsna Antya 15.97