visaya—material enjoyment SB 2.2.37, Madhya 22.39
visaya—the sense objects SB 4.22.30, SB 7.15.46
visaya—sense gratification SB 5.1.37, Madhya 7.21
visaya—of the sense objects Adi 3.96, Adi 3.97
visaya—sense objects Bg 15.2
visaya—objects of sense Bg 18.38
visaya—means SB 1.8.13
visaya—in the matter of SB 3.33.1
visaya—material happiness SB 4.7.28
visaya—to places SB 4.25.45
visaya—material affairs SB 5.1.22
visaya—from connection with sense gratification SB 5.14.34
visaya—object. Adi 4.132
visaya—material Adi 8.83
visaya—subject Madhya 8.141
visaya—material engagement Madhya 8.297
visaya—worldly business Madhya 8.302
visaya—material activities Madhya 11.18
visaya—government service Madhya 11.19
visaya—material things Madhya 16.238
visaya—the idea of material enjoyment Madhya 22.39
visaya—material life Antya 9.70
visaya—money Antya 9.72
visaya—of material opulence Antya 9.114
visaya—material opulence Antya 9.137
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: visaya
ananya-visaya—firmly fixed without deviation SB 4.23.10
avagata-visaya-vaitathyah—becoming conscious of the uselessness of enjoying material sense gratification SB 5.14.10
ghucaha visaya—let me be free from all these material opulences Antya 9.139
hena visaya—such a fallen condition of material enjoyment Antya 6.200
kare raja-visaya—serves the government Antya 9.88
ku-visaya—of abominable objects of sense gratification Madhya 1.198
ku-visaya-bhoga—enjoyment of sinful material life Madhya 20.93
ku-visaya-kupe—in a well of material enjoyment Madhya 20.99
maha-visaya—great material engagements Antya 9.141
mat-visaya bhaktih—devotional service in relation to Me Madhya 24.61
mote visaya na haya—I am no longer interested in material opulences. Antya 9.139
priti-visaya—of the object of love Adi 4.200-201
priti-visaya-anande—in the joy of the object of love Adi 4.199
raja-visaya—government service Antya 9.33
raja-visaya—in government service Antya 9.61
rajya-visaya—kingly opulence Antya 9.109
tat-visaya—on the person who chants the holy name SB 6.2.9-10
visaya bhoga—material enjoyment Antya 8.66
visaya bhunjaite—to cause to enjoy material happiness. Antya 13.14
visaya chadiya—giving up the implications of material activities. Madhya 25.194
visaya dibe—he should be appointed to the post. Antya 9.112
visaya diya—giving the post Antya 9.133
visaya jatiya—relating to the object Adi 4.133
visaya kariya—doing business Antya 9.123
visaya lagi—for material profit Antya 9.69
visaya pathaila—sent money. Antya 9.71
visaya sukha—material happiness Antya 6.134
visaya-abhilasah—desire for material sense enjoyment SB 5.7.11
visaya-artanam—who are eager to enjoy the material world SB 8.5.47
visaya-bhoga—attraction for material things Madhya 20.90-91
visaya-bhoga—material enjoyment Antya 14.47
visaya-grahana—accepting sense objects Antya 2.118
visaya-kupa haite—from the well of material enjoyment Madhya 19.49
visaya-lalasah—having his happiness in sense objects SB 4.7.44
visaya-roga—the disease of material attraction Madhya 20.90-91
visaya-roga—material disease. Madhya 20.93
visaya-sukha—of the material happiness SB 6.9.39
visaya-sukha—material happiness Madhya 22.38
visaya-taranga—materialistic way of life Madhya 7.129
visaya-tarange—in the waves of materialistic life. Madhya 7.126
visaya-tiksnatam—the sharpness of material enjoyment SB 6.5.41
visaya-tyaga—renunciation of material connections Antya 1.201
visaya-tyagera—of giving up material activities Madhya 19.4
visaya-trsah—eager to enjoy sense gratification SB 6.16.38
visaya-upapadanaih—with activities delivering the objects of the senses for sense enjoyment. SB 7.7.38
visaya-uparaktah—attached to material happiness, sense gratification SB 5.11.5
visaya-vacana—subject matter to be explained Madhya 25.99
visaya-vimukha—not interested in state management Antya 2.88
visaya-visa—of material enjoyment, which is like poison SB 5.3.14
visaya-vancha—desire for material advantage Antya 9.73
visaya-atma-kesu—who are too addicted to sense enjoyment SB 7.6.17-18
visaya-atmabhih—absorbed in material needs SB 1.15.47-48
visaya-atmakah—addicted to sense gratification SB 4.28.6