virya—potency SB 1.10.22, SB 9.24.32, Adi 17.212
virya—strength SB 2.2.19, SB 3.24.32, SB 9.23.25
virya—the power SB 3.17.28
virya—wonderful activities SB 3.25.25
virya—of valor or prowess SB 4.28.29
virya—of his valor SB 7.8.50
virya—the supreme power SB 7.10.46
virya—power SB 9.15.17-19
virya—seed Adi 5.65
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: virya
a-tat-virya-kovida—without knowledge of the supremely powerful Personality of Godhead (because of intense love for Krsna). SB 10.9.12
a-tat-virya-vidusi—when Citraketu, who did not know the prowess of Lord Siva SB 6.17.10
ananta-virya—unlimited potency Bg 11.40
bala-virya-drptah—puffed up by bodily strength and his ability to conquer anyone SB 7.8.46
bhagavat-virya—by the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 3.26.32
bhagavat-virya-sambhavat—evolved from the Lord’s own energy SB 3.26.23-24
bhuja-virya—by the strength of their arms SB 8.7.10
dusta-nasaka-virya—the extraordinary power to kill rogues and miscreants Madhya 20.372
duranta-virya—insurmountable prowess SB 5.25.13
manah-virya—by mental and bodily strength SB 3.17.22
nija-virya-sankitam—afraid of his prowess SB 7.8.27
nija-virya-vaibhavam—whose influence is uncommon SB 5.18.11
rama-virya-parabhutah—defeated by the superior power of Lord Parasurama SB 9.16.9
simha-virya—the strength of a lion Adi 3.30
tat-virya-mahima-ankitaih—which indicated the glorious activities of the Lord SB 8.21.6-7
tvat-virya—of Your Lordship’s glories and activities SB 7.9.43
virya-sauryabhyam—by influence and heroism SB 5.4.2
virya-gananam—a counting of the different potencies Madhya 24.21
virya-je—born from the semen SB 3.5.19
virya-jah—born of the semen. SB 8.13.33
virya-kamah—one who wants to be very strongly built SB 2.3.2-7
virya-samvidah—talks full of spiritual potency Madhya 22.86
virya-tamam—very powerful SB 6.2.19
virya-upabrmhanaya—for expanding the powers SB 5.20.40
virya-upabrmhitah—being increased by the potency SB 6.4.49-50
virya-van—being strengthened in bhakti-yoga SB-4.21.32
visa-virya—highly potent poison SB 2.7.28