vigata—discarded Bg 5.27-28
vigata—is freed from Bg 6.28
vigata—devoid of SB 1.13.53
vigata—ceased SB 3.31.21
vigata—deprived of SB 3.31.27
vigata—lost SB 4.28.9
vigata—given up SB 7.10.20
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vigata
vigata-bhih—devoid of fear Bg 6.13-14
vigata-jiva-laksanah—bereft of all signs of life SB 5.14.16
vigata-jvarah—without being lethargic. Bg 3.30
vigata-jvarah—being relieved from the aggrievement caused by the demons SB 6.7.26
vigata-nrpa-deva-smayah—giving up the false pride of being the King and therefore being worshipable SB 5.10.15
vigata-prabhah—reduced in splendor. SB 3.19.12
vigata-prabhan—bereft of all effulgence SB 8.5.19-20
vigata-smayau—morose. SB 3.16.33
vigata-smayah—who was relieved from all material pride SB 5.10.8
vigata-sprhah—without being too interested Bg 2.56
vigata-sprhah—being freed from all material lusty desires. SB 9.19.21
vigata-sprhah—completely free from desires for material possessions SB 9.21.16
vigata-sprhah—without any desire. SB 3.15.12
vigata-sudarsana-bhayah—who is not afraid of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His Sudarsana cakra SB 5.24.28
vigata-viklavah—having given up contemplation of being unfit SB 7.9.12
vigata-vismaya—released from astonishment. SB 6.17.36