vata—farthing Madhya 4.185
vata—the controller of air SB 2.5.30
vata—by winds SB 3.11.31
vata—of air SB 3.29.20
vata—in the wind SB 5.9.9-10
vata—of wind SB 6.9.24
vata—strong wind SB 10.3.34-35
vata—in severe wind Madhya 4.36
vata—gardens SB 5.5.30
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vata
sita-vata-adi—such as cold and strong wind SB 5.14.25
sita-vata-adi—such as extreme cold or wind SB 5.14.34
sita-atapa-vata-varsa—of freezing cold, scorching heat, strong wind and excessive rainfall SB 5.13.11
sruti-vata-nitam—carried by the air of Vedic sound SB 3.9.5
guna-vata—by rich foods SB 8.16.54
jhanjha-vata—the strong wind of a storm Adi 16.43
kanka-vata-adibhih—by birds such as herons and vultures SB 5.26.32
puti-vata—passing air over the body SB 5.5.30
siddha-vata—to the place known as Siddhavata Madhya 9.22
vamsi-vata—the celebrated place named Vamsivata Madhya 1.5
varna-asrama-acara-vata—who behaves according to the system of four divisions of social order and four divisions of spiritual life Madhya 8.58
vata-patre—on the leaf of a banyan tree SB 3.33.4
vata-prayah—like crows SB 5.14.29
vata-vat—like the great banyan tree SB 7.9.33
vata-vatsah—making the banyan tree a calf SB 4.18.25
vata-adayah—and other birds SB 5.26.35
vata calaila—raised the topic (of eating at Nrsimhananda's house) Antya 2.76
vata-adhva—air holes Adi 5.72
vata-ramhasam—having the force of a tempest. SB 3.19.9
vata-rasanan—naked SB 3.15.30
vata-rasananam—of the sannyasis (who have almost no cloth) SB 5.3.20
vata-sakhah—the friend of the wind SB 6.8.23
vata-uddhuta—flapping with the breeze SB 8.10.13-15
vata-vihata—dashed by a high wind Madhya 19.202
vata-vasanah—naked Adi 2.17
vata-ahata—troubled by the wind SB 1.5.14