vasudeva—the Personality of Godhead SB 1.2.28-29, SB 3.12.5
vasudeva—of the name Vasudeva Adi 10.115, Adi 11.14-15, Adi 11.19, Madhya 1.102, Madhya 1.115, Madhya 1.255-256
vasudeva—Lord Vasudeva SB 3.8.4, Adi 5.24, Madhya 20.216, Madhya 20.253
vasudeva—of Lord Krsna SB 1.18.9, SB 4.17.8
vasudeva—Lord Krsna SB 2.3.16, SB 3.1.25
vasudeva—the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 3.7.12, SB 3.33.29
vasudeva—Vasudeva SB 4.3.23
vasudeva—the father of Krsna Adi 13.59
vasudeva—in respect to Vasudeva SB 1.2.16
vasudeva—with Vasudeva SB 3.22.36
vasudeva—to Lord Krsna, the all-pervading Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 6.1.15
vasudeva—Lord Vasudeva, Sri Krsna SB 6.9.33
vasudeva—unto Lord Vasudeva SB 7.14.2
vasudeva—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna SB 8.10.1
vasudeva—Krsna SB 9.9.49
vasudeva—the expansion named Vasudeva Adi 5.41
vasudeva—all glories to Vasudeva Adi 13.3
vasudeva—the Lord's devotee named Vasudeva Antya 3.74
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vasudeva
vasudeva datta—Vasudeva Datta Madhya 10.81, Madhya 11.87
vasudeva-datta—Vasudeva Datta Madhya 14.98, Antya 10.9-11
sri-vasudeva-priyah—very dear to Sri Vasudeva Datta Thakura Antya 6.263
vasudeva-anuja—of the younger brothers of Vasudeva SB 9.24.25
vasudeva-sabditam—named vasudeva Adi 4.66
vasudeva-devakira—of Vasudeva and Devaki Madhya 19.196
vasudeva-gehe—in the home of Vasudeva SB 3.2.16
vasudeva-grhe—in the house of Vasudeva (who would be the father of Krsna when the Lord appeared) SB 10.1.23
vasudeva-narada-samvadam—within the conversation between Vasudeva and Narada SB 5.4.11-12
vasudeva-pracoditah—being inspired by Vasudeva. SB 10.8.1
vasudeva-vacah—the words spoken by Vasudeva when Nanda Maharaja was in Mathura SB 10.7.33
vasudeva-adyah—headed by Vasudeva SB 10.1.62-63
vasudeva datta—of the name Vasudeva Datta Adi 10.41
vasudeva dattera—of Vasudeva Datta Adi 12.57
vasudeva ghosa—of the name Vasudeva Ghosa Adi 10.118
vasudeva nistara—delivering Vasudeva. Madhya 25.248
vasudeva-amsam—an incarnation of Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 9.15.14
vasudeva-amsah—an expansion of Vasudeva SB 6.6.8
vasudeva-amsah—incarnation of Lord Vasudeva SB 9.17.4
vasudeva-anghri—the lotus feet of the Lord SB 1.15.29
vasudeva-amrta-prada—the giver of nectar to Vasudeva Madhya 7.150
vasudeva-anumoditah—confirmed by Lord Sri Krsna SB 1.9.49
vasudeva-saranah—those who are souls surrendered unto Lord Vasudeva SB 2.7.19
vasudeva-ghosa—Vasudeva Ghosh Madhya 13.43
vasudeva-grhe—to the house of Vasudeva Datta Madhya 16.206
vasudeva-kala anantah—the plenary expansion of Lord Krsna known as Anantadeva or Sankarsana Ananta, the all-pervasive incarnation of the Supreme Lord SB 10.1.24
vasudeva-katha—topics on the subject of the personality of Godhead, Vasudeva SB 3.13.1
vasudeva-katha-prasnah—questions about the pastimes and characteristics of Vasudeva, Krsna SB 10.1.16
vasudeva-kathayam—in hearing about the topics of Vasudeva, Krsna SB 10.1.15
vasudeva-nama—of the name Vasudeva Madhya 7.136
vasudeva-parayanah—one who is a devotee of Lord Krsna. SB 4.24.74
vasudeva-parayanah—simply being a devotee of Lord Vasudeva. SB 8.16.49
vasudeva-uddhara—giving liberation to Vasudeva Madhya 7.150
vasudeva-ukta-karinah—who are always ready to execute the orders of Lord Vasudeva (being personal associates of Lord Visnu who have obtained the liberation of salokya) SB 6.1.37
vasudeva-vimocana—and liberating the leper brahmana of the name Vasudeva. Madhya 7.151
vasudeva-adi—Vasudeva and others Madhya 20.210
vasudeva-adi—beginning with Lord Vasudeva Madhya 20.226
vasudeva-adyah—Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha Madhya 20.242
vasudeva-akhyam—by the name vasudeva SB 3.26.21
vasudeva-akhye—known as Bhagavan Vasudeva SB 5.16.3