varna—caste SB 1.18.45
varna—castes SB 2.8.16
varna—of varnas SB 3.21.52-54
varna—of the letters SB 6.16.32
varna—complexion SB 8.8.9
varna—syllables Adi 3.54
varna—color Madhya 15.229
varna—of color Madhya 20.172
varna—bodily complexion Antya 15.64
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: varna
bhava-varna—the luster of transcendental ecstasy Adi 4.271-272
citra-varna—printed with varieties of colors Adi 13.113
syama-varna—of blackish hue Madhya 10.166
syama-varna—blackish color Madhya 24.235
syamala-varna—having a blackish complexion Madhya 10.164
cari varna—four colors Madhya 20.330
cari varna dhari—accepting these four colors Madhya 20.330
cari varna-asrami—followers of the four social and spiritual orders of life Madhya 22.26
eka varna—one complexion Madhya 5.136
gaura-varna—having a golden or fair complexion Madhya 10.164
gaura-varna—white complexion Madhya 13.106
krsna varna—Krsna's name. Madhya 8.24
krsna-varna—blackish color Adi 3.38
krsna-varna-sabdera—of the word krsna-varna Adi 3.55
pita-varna—the color yellow Adi 3.37
pita-varna—having a yellow color Adi 3.40
pita-varna—yellowish color Madhya 20.364
pita-varna dhari—assuming the color yellow Madhya 20.340
pita-varna ha-ila—became yellowish. Antya 3.232
rakta-pita-varna—the mangoes were red and yellow in color Adi 17.83
rakta-varna dhari—assuming a reddish color. Madhya 20.335
tat-varna-guna—whose color is the same as that of the mode of passion (reddish) SB 5.14.7
tara varna—Her bodily complexion Adi 4.268
varna-abhivyanjakam—indicating the classification (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, etc.) SB 7.11.35
varna-matra—only the color Adi 13.115
varna-matra—color only Madhya 20.174
varna-sangrathane—in the sense of tying together words Madhya 24.18
varna-sankara—unwanted children Bg 1.42
varna-sankarah—unwanted progeny. Bg 1.40
varna-sankarah—unwanted population. SB 1.18.45
varna-samamnaye—in the aggregate of all alphabets SB 7.15.53
varna-vesa-bheda—by differences of dress and color Madhya 20.187
varna-asrama—the institution of four castes and four orders of life SB 1.2.13
varna-asrama—the four divisions of social statuses and orders of spiritual culture SB 3.7.29
varna-asrama—the system of eight social orders SB 4.14.18
varna-asrama—of the Aryan civilization of four varnas and four asramas SB 7.2.12
varna-asrama—pertaining to the particular material and spiritual divisions of varna and asrama SB 7.13.14
varna-asrama-dharma—the institution of four castes and four asramas Madhya 9.256
varna-asrama-dharma—the regulative principle of four varnas and four asramas Madhya 22.93
varna-asrama-vatah—in terms of strictly following the principles of varnasrama SB 5.26.30
varna-asrama-vatibhih—by followers of the institution of the four varnas and four asramas SB 5.19.10
varna-asrama-acara—the practices of the varnasrama system SB 5.22.4
varna-asrama-acara-vata—who behaves according to the system of four divisions of social order and four divisions of spiritual life Madhya 8.58
varna-asrama-acara-yutam—based on the principles of the four divisions of society and the four divisions of spiritual advancement SB 7.11.2
varna-asramibhih—by persons who strictly followed the regulative principles of the four varnas and four asramas SB 7.4.15
varna-asramanam—of all the statuses and orders of life SB 1.4.17-18
varna-asramanam—of the varnas and asramas SB 3.22.38
yatha-varna-vidhanam—in terms of different castes SB 5.19.19