vanya—from the forest Madhya 17.62-63
vanya—inundation Madhya 9.292
vanya—the flood Antya 3.254
vanya—with words SB 3.16.11
vanya—with the organ of speech SB 3.26.54
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vanya
prema-vanya—inundation of ecstatic love of Lord Krsna. Antya 3.258
prema-vanya-nimagnam—merged into the inundation of ecstatic love. Madhya 11.1
sei vanya—that inundation Adi 7.29-30
vanya bhojana—a picnic in the forest Antya 18.107
vanya saka—spinach of the forest Madhya 4.70
vanya-bhojana—a picnic within the garden. Antya 1.62
vanya-bhojana—eating in the garden. Antya 6.243
vanya-bhojana—taking a picnic. Antya 10.104
vanya-bhojana—a picnic in the forest Antya 20.135
vanya-bhojane—in eating vegetables collected from the forest Madhya 17.64
vanya-bhojane—a picnic Antya 18.118
vanya-bhuk—eating whatever is available in the forest. SB 4.8.56
vanya-vesa—forest dress Antya 18.101
vanya-vyanjana—all varieties of forest vegetables Madhya 17.61
vanya-vyanjane—by such forest vegetables Madhya 17.61
vanya-aparita—filled with forests Madhya 1.84