Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vamsa
pasupa-vamsa-sisutva-natyam—the play of being a child in a family of cowherd men (another of Krsna�s names is Gopala, �He who maintains the cows�) SB 10.13.61
pitr-vamsa—paternal family SB 4.27.8
rajanya-vamsa—dynasties of the kings SB 1.8.43
vamsa-anucaritani ca—and their dynasties and characteristics SB 9.1.4
vamsa-dava-agni—a forest fire set by the bamboos SB 1.10.2
vamsa-dharaih—by descendants SB 4.28.31
vamsa-dharam—the descendant SB 8.23.5
vamsa-dharah—heir apparent SB 1.12.12
vamsa-krt—made a dynasty SB 9.2.33
vamsa-sahita—with all the family members Madhya 7.122
vamsa-vistarah—a broad description of the dynasties SB 10.1.1
vrsni-vamsa-pradipah—the light of the dynasty of Vrsni Madhya 13.78
asura-vamsa—unbelievers SB 1.16.34