Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: vadhu
gopa-vadhu-vitena—by a boy engaged in joking with the gopis. Madhya 10.178
gopa-vadhu-vitena—engaged in joking with the gopis. Madhya 24.133
mrga-vadhu-nyasah—this baby deer entrusted to me by its mother SB 5.8.19
vraja-vadhu—all the damsels of Vrndavana Madhya 13.158
vraja-vadhu—of the damsels of Vrajabhumi Madhya 20.180
vraja-vadhu-ganera—of the young wives of Vraja Adi 4.48
vraja-vadhu-sange—in the association of the damsels of Vrajabhumi Antya 5.45-46