ucuh—prayed SB 4.7.34, SB 4.7.35
ucuh—addressed SB 1.12.15
ucuh—began to say SB 4.7.27
ucuh—talked SB 4.14.7
ucuh—replied SB 6.1.32
ucuh—they said SB 8.9.23
ucuh—requested or spoke SB 9.13.7
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: ucuh
devah ucuh—the demigods said SB 3.5.39, SB 3.15.3, SB 9.13.11
pracetasah ucuh—the Pracetas said SB 4.30.22, SB 4.31.5
yamadutah ucuh—the order carriers of Yamaraja said SB 6.1.40, SB 6.3.4
bhadrasravasah ucuh—the ruler Bhadrasrava and his intimate associates said SB 5.18.2
sri-caranah ucuh—the inhabitants of the Carana planet said SB 7.8.51
sri-daitya-putrah ucuh—the sons of the demons said SB 7.6.29-30
sri-gandharvah ucuh—the inhabitants of Gandharvaloka (who are usually engaged as musicians of the heavenly planets) said SB 7.8.50
sri-kimpurusah ucuh—the inhabitants of Kimpurusa-loka said SB 7.8.53
sri-kinnarah ucuh—the inhabitants of the Kinnara planet said SB 7.8.55
sri-manavah ucuh—all the Manus offered their respectful obeisances by saying SB 7.8.48
sri-nagah ucuh—the inhabitants of Nagaloka, who look like serpents, said SB 7.8.47
sri-pitarah ucuh—the inhabitants of Pitrloka said SB 7.8.44
sri-prajapatayah ucuh—the great personalities who created the various living beings offered their prayers by saying SB 7.8.49
sri-prajapatayah ucuh—the prajapatis said SB 8.7.21
sri-siddhah ucuh—the inhabitants of Siddhaloka said SB 7.8.45
sri-vaitalikah ucuh—the inhabitants of Vaitalika-loka said SB 7.8.54
sri-vidyadharah ucuh—the inhabitants of Vidyadhara-loka prayed SB 7.8.46
sri-visnu-parsadah ucuh—the associates of Lord Visnu in Vaikunthaloka said SB 7.8.56
sri-visnudutah ucuh—the blessed messengers of Lord Visnu spoke SB 6.1.38
sri-visnudutah ucuh—the Visnudutas said SB 6.2.2
sri-yaksah ucuh—the inhabitants of the Yaksa planet prayed SB 7.8.52
sri-rsayah ucuh—the great sages said SB 7.8.43
devyah ucuh—the wives of the demigods said SB 4.23.25
devah ucuh—the demigods replied SB 4.1.30
devah ucuh—all the demigods said SB 4.8.81
drstva ucuh—disclosed the fact after one year SB 10.12.37
kumarah ucuh—the Kumaras said SB 3.15.46
munayah ucuh—the sages said SB 4.10.30
munayah ucuh—the great sages said SB 4.14.14
patnyah ucuh—the wives of the executors of the sacrifice said SB 4.7.33
ramah ucuh—the women thus spoke SB 4.26.17
sadasah-patayah ucuh—the head priests said SB 4.13.31
tam ucuh—replied to him SB 10.4.30
rsayah ucuh—the good sages said SB 1.18.11
rsayah ucuh—the glorified sages uttered SB 3.13.34
rsayah ucuh—the sages said SB 4.15.3
rtvijah ucuh—the priests said SB 5.3.4-5