Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: traya
tapa-traya—from the threefold miseries SB 3.31.16, Madhya 25.149
tapa-traya—of threefold miseries Adi 1.91, Madhya 24.100
bhangi-traya-paricitam—bent in three places, namely the neck, waist and knees Adi 5.224
bhuvana-traya—throughout the three worlds SB 8.15.35
sakti-traya—three kinds of energies SB 4.24.43
sakti-traya—of the three energies Adi 2.96
guna-traya—of the three material modes of nature SB 6.4.23
guna-traya-isah—the master of the material modes. SB 7.8.8
guna-traya-atmakam—being an interaction of the three modes of material nature SB 4.3.11
guna-traya-atmakam—whose body is expanded by the material energy, consisting of three modes (goodness, passion and ignorance) SB 8.20.21
guna-traya-atma—consisting of the three modes SB 3.32.9
loka-traya—the three (upper, middle and lower) planetary systems SB 3.8.25
loka-traya—the three worlds SB 3.9.21
loka-traya—of the three worlds SB 7.8.35
loka-traya-ante—at the end of the three lokas (Bhurloka, Bhuvarloka and Svarloka) SB 5.20.37
sthana-traya—the three conditions of life (deep sleep, dreaming and wakefulness) SB 6.16.61-62
traya-vidhurah—although without beginning, end or middle SB 6.16.36
tapa-traya—threefold miseries SB 1.1.2
tapa-traya—three kinds of miseries SB 1.5.32
tapa-traya—threefold agonies SB 3.28.31
tapa-traya—by the threefold miserable conditions (adhyatmika, adhidaivika and adhibautika) SB 7.6.14
tapa-traya—the three kinds of miserable conditions Madhya 20.102