taru—the tree Adi 17.28
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: taru
bhakti-kalpa-taru—the desire tree of devotional service Adi 9.9
simulera taru—the simula tree Antya 10.72
kalpa-taru—like desire trees Adi 1.57
kalpa-taru-vane—in the forest of desire trees Adi 5.218-219
prati-taru-latam—on every tree and vine Adi 4.125
prati-taru-lata—each tree and creeper Antya 15.31
taru-lata—trees and creepers Antya 18.102
taru-lata-adi—the creepers, trees and so on Antya 19.82
taru-lataya—to the trees and creepers Antya 19.81
taru-sama—like a tree Adi 17.27