sukla—light Bg 8.26
sukla—O embodiment of religion SB 3.21.16
sukla—by Lord Visnu SB 3.24.1
sukla—of the mode of goodness SB 5.19.19
sukla—of the bright fortnight SB 8.16.48
sukla—whitish Madhya 20.334
sukla—Sukla SB 5.20.21
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: sukla
sukla-vastre—on white cloth Madhya 2.48, Madhya 12.51
sukla-caula—white rice Antya 2.103
sukla-datah—with very white tusks SB 9.20.28
sukla-dati—having cleaned the teeth SB 6.19.2-3
sukla-krtam—created by Lord Visnu SB 3.23.23
sukla-pakse—in the bright fortnight of the month SB 7.14.20-23
sukla-pakse—in the waxing period of the moon Madhya 3.3
sukla-proktan—spoken by Lord Visnu SB 3.22.19
sukla-vastra—white cloth Antya 18.83
magha-sukla-pakse—in the waxing fortnight of the month of Magha Madhya 7.4