sthana—the place Adi 17.37-38, Madhya 15.63, Madhya 19.60
sthana—places SB 1.18.26, Antya 4.211
sthana—maintenance SB 4.30.23, SB 7.7.24
sthana—abode Adi 7.113, Madhya 21.8
sthana—place. Adi 7.123, Madhya 10.132
sthana—exist SB 1.5.20
sthana—its maintenance SB 2.4.12
sthana—of a residential house SB 5.13.12
sthana—of the maintenance SB 5.18.5
sthana—favorable place Adi 7.23
sthana—the pace Madhya 1.105
sthana—the proper place Madhya 2.18
sthana—situation. Madhya 12.191
sthana—standing Madhya 14.187
sthana—the place for offering Antya 3.37
sthana—that place Antya 3.232
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: sthana
eka-sthana—one place Antya 13.40, Antya 13.69
sthana-abhilasi—desiring a very high position in the material world Madhya 22.42, Madhya 24.219
tanra sthana—to his place. Antya 8.18, Antya 16.14
vasa-sthana—residential quarters Madhya 1.139, Antya 12.18
alpa sthana—insufficient place Madhya 11.131
anya sthana—to another place Antya 19.48
e-sthana—this place Antya 3.134
janma-sthana—the place of birth Madhya 9.294
janma-sthana—birth site Madhya 18.67
janma-sthana—the birthplace of Lord Krsna Madhya 18.69
lavanya-amrta-janma-sthana—the birthplace of the nectar of beauty Madhya 2.29
mahaprabhura sthana—to the place of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Antya 12.36
nija-sthana—to their homes. Antya 15.94
nirjana sthana—very solitary place Madhya 6.65
nahika sthana—there was no place Madhya 20.285
priya-sthana—very dear place Antya 4.81
sei sthana—that place Antya 13.70
sthana jhadi—cleansing the place Madhya 24.271
sthana lepi—mopping that place Madhya 4.131
sthana na pana—not having gotten a place Antya 6.68
sthana-asthana—a suitable place or unsuitable place Madhya 2.21
sthana-asthana—the proper place or improper place Madhya 2.81
sthana-asthana—a proper place or not. Madhya 4.22
sthana-asthana—proper or improper place Madhya 13.140
sthana-cyavanat—from falling from a position SB 8.20.5
sthana-jayat—than achievement of the place or planetary systems SB 5.19.23
sthana-traya—the three conditions of life (deep sleep, dreaming and wakefulness) SB 6.16.61-62
sthana-vibhagah—the division of the places they were to hold SB 8.7.5
sthana-agatam—going to their own place SB 10.11.53
sarvabhauma-sthana—to the place of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. Madhya 15.285
tat-tat-sthana—the respective places. Madhya 20.202
tirtha-sthana—the holy places of pilgrimage. Madhya 17.190
vihara-sthana—pleasure grounds SB 3.23.21
vasa-sthana—residence Madhya 19.102
vasa-sthana—place of residence Antya 12.16
vasa-grha-sthana—residential places for staying Madhya 11.172
vasa-sthana—resting places. Madhya 16.26
vasa-sthana—place to stay Madhya 16.46
vasa-sthana—residential quarters. Antya 1.16
ye ye sthana—which different places Adi 13.49
yogya-sthana—proper place Madhya 15.274
avasa-sthana—residential places Madhya 21.42