Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: stham
bhuvi-stham—while standing on the ground SB 1.15.17
sarira-stham—situated within the body Bg 17.5-6
sarira-stham—situated in the body Bg 17.5-6
eka-desa-stham—lying down in one place SB 6.16.53-54
eka-stham—situated in one Bg 13.31
hasta-stham—while still in the hand of Bali SB 8.10.43
hrdi-stham—situated in the heart SB 1.9.10
hrt-stham—situated in the heart Bg 4.42
kamala-asana-stham—sitting on the lotus flower Bg 11.15
kuta-stham—situated in everyone’s heart SB 3.24.5
kuta-stham—fixed SB 4.20.11
kuta-stham—within the core of the heart SB 9.10.14
ratha-stham—who was seated on the chariot SB 9.23.35-36
sarva-bhuta-stham—situated in all beings Bg 6.29
asrama-stham—residing in an asrama SB 6.18.56
atma-deha-stham—situated on the bodily self SB 3.5.27
atma-stham—situated within myself SB 1.6.15
atma-stham—situated in Himself SB 3.12.32
atma-stham—situated within his body SB 4.20.8
atma-stham—situated in self-realization SB 4.23.18
atma-stham—within your hearts SB 4.24.70
atma-stham—situated in the heart SB 7.1.9