sparsana—by touching SB 5.14.2
sparsana—by the touching SB 5.17.20
sparsana—whose touch SB 6.8.24
sparsana—and touching your feet SB 9.5.20
sparsana—the touching Madhya 8.287
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: sparsana
darsana-sparsana—interview and touching Antya 11.103
jivera sparsana—a living entity can touch. Antya 18.20
na kara sparsana—do not touch. Madhya 20.55
prakrti-sparsana—the Lord glances over the material nature Madhya 20.273
rasera sparsana—tasting. Antya 6.311
sarva-anga-sparsana—touching the whole body. Madhya 18.62
sva-pada-sparsana—of touching His feet Adi 6.74
yat-sparsana—simply by the slight association of whom SB 10.12.38