sneha—of affection SB 10.13.25, Madhya 10.139
sneha—the affection Madhya 12.177, Madhya 16.287
sneha—from affection SB 4.26.19
sneha—by affection SB 10.8.44
sneha—with affection Madhya 10.140
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: sneha
guru-sneha—whose great affection Madhya 23.87-91
krsna-sneha—the affection of Lord Krsna Madhya 8.166
matr-sneha—by affection for his mother SB 6.9.3
pitr-matr-sneha—paternal love Madhya 24.33
putra-sneha-anubaddha-manah—who was obliged by affection for his son SB 5.9.4
putra-sneha-mayim—very much attached because of maternal affection for her son SB 10.8.43
putra-sneha-snuta—because of intense love for her child, became wet with milk SB 10.9.3
putra-sneha-snuta-stani—while she was calling Them, milk flowed from her breast because of her ecstatic love and affection. SB 10.11.14
putra-sneha-snutani—that milk coming from the bodies of the gopis, not artificially but because of maternal affection SB 10.6.39-40
sneha kare—loves Madhya 12.28
sneha karena—she was affectionate Madhya 9.298
sneha kari—out of affection Madhya 12.178
sneha kari—showing His affection Madhya 19.253
sneha-anubaddha—captivated by affection SB 5.8.11
sneha-anubandha—because of affection SB 6.14.50-51
sneha-anubandhanam—tied by affectionate bondage. SB 1.6.6
sneha-atisayam—very great affection SB 5.4.18
sneha-baddham—influenced by this affection SB 8.16.18
sneha-kalah—the art of affection SB 2.1.31
sneha-nibaddha-dhih—because of an intense spirit of love SB 10.11.20
sneha-paripluta—with great affection and love. SB 10.7.34
sneha-prasara—extensive love SB 3.2.5
sneha-pasa—the bonds of affection SB 6.5.40
sneha-pasaih—by the ropes of affection SB 7.6.9
sneha-pasam—tie of affection SB 1.8.41
sneha-pasah—bondage of affection SB 6.14.55
sneha-pasan—strong network of affection SB 1.13.29
sneha-patra—object of affection. Madhya 15.283
sneha-sambaddhah—bound by pure affection SB 1.10.13
sneha-snuta—moistened by affection SB 1.11.29
sneha-snuta—which was flowing because of intense love SB 10.13.22
sneha-snutam—which was flowing with milk because of intense affection SB 10.9.5
sneha-vasa—obliged by affection Madhya 10.139
sneha-vasa—controlled by love and affection Madhya 12.28
sneha-vaiklavyat—mental derangement due to profound affection SB 1.13.35
sneha-vaiklavyat—from an exchange of love and affection SB 9.19.26
sneha-valli—the creeper of affection SB 10.13.26
sneha-vyavahara—very intimate behavior Madhya 11.17
sneha-vyavahara—affectionate behavior. Madhya 12.176
sneha-yantrita-cetasa—his mind being controlled by such affection SB 9.7.15
sneha-yantritah—being attached by affection SB 6.1.26
tat-sneha-sitah—being bound by their affection SB 7.6.11-13
tat-sneha-vasah—because of increased love for the calves SB 10.13.30
vyavahara-sneha—love and affection because of a previous relationship Madhya 25.213
atma-sneha—of affection due to a relationship SB 6.16.12