simha—lion Adi 3.31, Adi 5.190, Adi 17.178-179
simha—lions SB 4.10.26, SB 8.10.47
simha—a lion SB 4.24.49
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: simha
simha-dvare—at the gate known as Simha-dvara Antya 6.316, Antya 14.74, Antya 16.80
simha-asana-sthau—sitting on a throne Adi 1.16, Madhya 1.4, Antya 1.6
bala-simha—lion cub SB 3.2.28
chadila simha-dvara—he has given up standing at the Simha-dvara Antya 6.284
gopinatha simha—of the name of Gopinatha Simha Adi 10.76
matta-simha—a mad lion Madhya 7.95
matta-simha-sama—just like a maddened lion. Madhya 12.137
nara-simha—O Lord Nrsimhadeva, half lion and half human being SB 7.8.42
ratna-simha-asane—on the throne of gems Adi 5.218-219
simha-dvara—at the main gate of the temple. Madhya 14.131
simha-dvara—the lion gate Madhya 16.43
simha-dvara—at the gate known as Simha-dvara. Antya 6.217
simha-dvara—of the gate named Simha-dvara Antya 17.12
simha-dvara chadila—gave up standing at the gate known as Simha-dvara Antya 6.281
simha-dvara dahine—on the right side of the lion gate Madhya 11.125
simha-dvare—at the gate of the temple of Jagannatha, known as Simha-dvara Madhya 2.8
simha-dvare—at the entrance door of the Jagannatha temple Madhya 6.14
simha-dvare—in front of the main gate, known as Simha-dvara Antya 4.126
simha-dvare—at the main gate Antya 6.214
simha-dvare—at the Simha gate Antya 6.216
simha-dvare—to the gate named Simha-dvara Antya 17.15
simha-dvare—at the Simha-dvara gate of the Jagannatha temple Antya 20.129
simha-dvare bhiksa-vrtti—to beg alms standing at the Simha-dvara Antya 6.284
simha-dvare patana—falling down by the Simha-dvara gate Antya 20.124
simha-dvare raya—stand at the gate known as Simha-dvara. Antya 6.219
simha-dvare asi—coming in front of the Simha-dvara Antya 11.73
simha-dvarera—of the gate known as Simha-dvara Antya 14.62
simha-dvarera—of the Simha-dvara Antya 16.41
simha-dvarera patha—the path of the Simha-dvara gate Antya 4.123
simha-griva—having the neck of a lion Adi 3.30
simha-mukha—having a face like a lion's Adi 17.178-179
simha-nadam—roaring sound, like a lion Bg 1.12
simha-nadena—with a sound like a lion SB 6.10.19-22
simha-nadan—vibrations like those of lions SB 8.10.19-24
simha-rupina—in the form of a lion (Lord Narasimha) SB 7.1.41
simha-virya—the strength of a lion Adi 3.30
simha-vikramah—strong like a lion SB 8.8.33
simha-vahah—being carried by a lion SB 8.11.14
simha-asana—throne. Adi 5.123
simha-asana—the throne Madhya 5.121
simha-asana—on the throne Madhya 10.178
simha-asane—on a throne Madhya 4.54
aila simha-dvare—came to the gate of Jagannatha temple known as Simha-dvara Antya 11.72