sima—limit. Adi 4.138, Adi 8.36, Adi 10.162
sima—the limitations Adi 3.89, Antya 3.92
sima—boundaries SB 5.1.40
sima—the limitation. Adi 5.3
sima—the highest degree. Madhya 6.78
sima—the ultimate goal. Madhya 8.239
sima—limitation Antya 4.93
sima—the limit of ecstatic love. Antya 5.160
sima—limit Antya 12.133
sima—the extreme limit. Antya 17.67
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: sima
bhakta-prema-sima—the highest limit of ecstatic love by the devotee. Madhya 4.211
bhagya-sima—the limit of good fortune Madhya 10.150
krpa-sima—the supreme mercy. Antya 16.57
maha-bhava-sima—the limit of mahabhava Madhya 24.34
nityananda-tattva-sima—the limit of the truth of Lord Nityananda Adi 5.126
nahi sima—there is no limit Antya 1.210
odhra-desa-sima—the boundary of Orissa Madhya 16.156
para-tattva-sima—the highest limit of the Absolute Truth Adi 2.110
prema-sima—limit of loving ecstasy. Madhya 14.152
prema-sima—the limit of love Antya 2.82
prema-sima—the limit of love of Krsna. Antya 5.21
purusa-arthera sima—the limit of goals of life. Madhya 9.261
sima-girayah—border mountains SB 5.20.15
urdhva-sima—to the topmost limit. Adi 5.158