sarire—in the body. Madhya 3.128, Madhya 6.90
sarire—by the body. Bg 2.20
sarire—in the universal form Bg 11.13
sarire—in the body of SB 2.1.25
sarire—in the transcendental body SB 3.8.11
sarire—in the material body SB 3.31.14
sarire—body SB-4.21.35
sarire—in His body Madhya 6.16
sarire—within the body Madhya 16.232
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: sarire
antah-hrdaya-akasa-sarire—the Supersoul within the heart, as meditated on by yogis SB 5.7.7
e sarire—by this body Antya 4.78
eka-i sarire—in the same body. Madhya 21.71
ku-sarire—in a low-grade body SB 5.26.17
nimani-sarire—the body of my son Nimai. Madhya 3.166
purusa-sarire—within the body of the Lord. Adi 5.69
sa-sarire—with their bodies Madhya 9.313
sa-sarire—with the material body Madhya 9.315
sei sarire—in that body of Krsna Madhya 21.23
vaisnava-sarire—in the bodies of Vaisnavas Madhya 22.75