sapta—sevenfold SB 2.1.25
sapta—seven systems SB 2.5.36
sapta—all together seven SB 3.26.50
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: sapta
sapta sapta—forty-nine SB 6.18.70, SB 6.18.70
sapta-dha—into seven pieces SB 6.18.62, SB 6.18.62
sapta-dha—into seven SB 6.18.72, SB 6.18.72
sapta-dvipa-vatim—consisting of seven islands SB 3.21.2, SB 9.6.33-34
sapta-dvipe—on seven islands Madhya 20.218, Antya 9.9
trih-sapta—thrice seven times SB 1.3.20, SB 2.7.22
trih-sapta-krtvah—twenty-one times SB 9.15.14, SB 9.16.18-19
sapta eva—seven in number SB 5.20.10
sapta gauna—seven indirect mellows Madhya 19.188
sapta godavari—to the place known as Sapta-godavari Madhya 9.318
sapta misra—seven Misras Adi 13.57-58
sapta varsani—seven divisions of the island SB 5.20.25
sapta urdhvam—and seven systems upwards SB 2.5.36
sapta rsayah—the seven great sages (beginning with Marici) SB 5.17.3
sapta-aham—continuously for one week SB 6.16.27
sapta-satani—seven hundred SB 5.26.27
sapta-dasa—seventeen SB 9.15.30
sapta-dhanuh—a distance measured by seven bows (approximately fourteen yards) SB 6.11.11
sapta-dha—seven kinds. Madhya 19.186
sapta-dinani—continuously for seven days SB 2.7.32
sapta-dvipa—seven islands SB 4.21.12
sapta-dvipa—of the seven islands SB 5.16.2
sapta-dvipa—of the seven islands (the whole world) SB 9.23.24
sapta-dvipa-adhipatayah—those who are proprietors of the seven islands SB 8.19.23
sapta-dvipa-ambudhi—the oceans of the islands Madhya 20.387
sapta-dvipa-patih—the master of the entire world, consisting of seven islands SB 9.18.46
sapta-dvipa-vara-icchaya—by the desire to take possession of seven islands. SB 8.19.22
sapta-dvipa-vati—consisting of seven islands SB 7.4.16
sapta-dvipa-vati-patih—Mandhata, who was the King of the entire world, consisting of seven islands SB 9.6.47
sapta-dvipavatim—consisting of seven islands SB 9.4.15-16
sapta-dvipera loka—people from all of the seven islands within the universe Antya 2.10
sapta-hastaya—who have seven hands SB 8.16.31
sapta-jihvah—having seven flames SB 5.20.2
sapta-krt—seven times SB 5.1.30
sapta-mukhah—having seven hoods SB 5.26.33
sapta-prahara—seven praharas (twenty-one hours) Adi 10.102
sapta-prahara—twenty-one hours Adi 17.18
sapta-patalera—of the seven lower planetary systems Antya 9.8
sapta-raktah—seven reddish Adi 14.15
sapta-rasa—seven kinds of mellows Madhya 19.187
sapta-ratra-ante—at the end of seven nights SB 6.16.28
sapta-ratram—seven nights SB 4.8.53
sapta-ratrat—after seven nights SB 6.15.27
sapta-samudra-vatyah—possessing seven seas SB 5.6.13
sapta-srotah—seven sources SB 1.13.52
sapta-tantun—the seven kinds of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies, beginning from the agnistoma-yajna SB 7.3.30
sapta-tvak—having seven coverings (skin, blood, muscle, fat, bone, marrow and semen) SB 10.2.27
sapta-tala—the seven palm trees Madhya 9.313
sapta-tala dekhi—after seeing the seven palm trees Madhya 9.313
sapta-tala-vimocana—deliverance of the Sapta-tala trees Madhya 1.116
sapta-tala-vrksa—seven palm trees Madhya 9.312
sapta-vadhrih—bound by the seven layers SB 3.31.11
sapta-vadhrih—bound by the seven layers of material coverings SB 3.31.19
sapta-varsa-namabhyah—for whom the seven tracts of land were named SB 5.20.2
sapta-varsah—although He was only seven years old SB 2.7.32
sapta-varsani—seven tracts of land SB 5.20.9
sapta-vitasti—seven vitastis Adi 5.72
sapta-rsayah—the seven saintly sages SB 5.23.5
sapta-rsibhih—by the seven rsis SB 8.24.34-35