sankhya—the measurement SB 5.18.31
sankhya—number SB 5.18.33
sankhya—the count Madhya 21.19
sankhya—analytical study of the material world Bg 5.4
sankhya—complete knowledge of matter and spirit SB 2.1.6
sankhya—of the Sankhya philosophy SB 3.33.35
sankhya—by the sankhya-yoga system (the analytical study of material conditions) SB 5.19.10
sankhya—the philosophical way of sankhya-yoga SB 8.24.55
sankhya—Sankhya philosophy Adi 6.18
sankhya—followers of Kapila Madhya 9.42
sankhya—by the philosophers who analytically study the universe (as the purusa) Madhya 19.204
sankhya—by the philosophers who analytically study the universe Antya 7.33
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: sankhya
koti-sankhya loka—an unlimited number of people Madhya 1.164
laksa-sankhya—numbering hundreds of thousands Madhya 17.188
sankhya-atitah—numbering beyond calculation Madhya 19.140
sankhya alpa kara—reduce your number Antya 11.24
sankhya lagi—for counting Antya 9.57
sankhya sankirtana—chanting the fixed number of rounds. Antya 11.17
sankhya-atita—innumerable Adi 10.159
sankhya-kirtana—the fixed amount of chanting Antya 11.19
sankhya-kirtana—fixed amount of chanting Antya 11.23
sankhya-nama—the number of holy names Antya 3.114-115
sankhya-nama—a fixed number of rounds Antya 7.83
sankhya-nama-sankirtana—numerical chanting of the holy name Antya 3.240
sankhya kahe—the atheistic Sankhya philosophers say Madhya 25.50
sankhya-sirase—who taught the Sankhya philosophy or who actually gives knowledge of Sankhya to the people of the world SB 5.14.45
sankhya-mayi—having the form of the philosophy analyzing the material world (Sankhya philosophy) SB 9.8.13
sankhya-nidarsanaya—who is the revealer of this numerical knowledge SB 5.18.33
sankhya-yoga-isvaraya—the master of the principles of sankhya-yoga SB 4.24.42
sankhya-yogaih—by reading the literature of sankhya-yoga SB 10.8.45
sankhya-acaryaih—by acaryas expert in Sankhya philosophy SB 3.24.19
sankhya-atmanah—the origin of all Vedic literatures SB 8.7.30