samaya—at the time Madhya 1.48
samaya—the time Madhya 11.128
samaya—who is equal to everyone SB 4.30.42
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: samaya
bhogera samaya—at the time the food was offered Madhya 13.201
bhogera samaya—at the time of offering bhoga Madhya 15.74
calana-samaya—at the time of departure Madhya 1.221
ratha-calana-samaya—at the time of drawing the car Madhya 14.47
samaya bujhiya—understanding the time. Madhya 12.142
samaya bujhiya—understanding the time and circumstances Madhya 12.166
samaya-anurupam—according to the time and circumstances SB 4.19.37
samaya-setu-raksayam—to protect the people strictly according to the Vedic principles of religious life SB 5.4.5
samaya-visesena—by the particular times SB 5.21.7
vicara-samaya—at the time of reviewing Adi 16.97
arya-samaya-parihrtah—who are rejected by authorized Vedic scriptures accepted by the Aryans SB 5.14.29