sama—like Adi 5.188, Adi 16.37, Madhya 1.158, Madhya 2.31, Madhya 3.143, Madhya 8.18, Madhya 9.307, Madhya 11.7, Madhya 13.102, Madhya 13.107 (and more...)
sama—equally Bg 7.26, Bg 12.13-14, Bg 14.22-25, SB 4.25.22
sama—equal to SB 5.14.5, Adi 3.79, Adi 6.45, Madhya 6.263
sama—equal. Adi 2.24, Adi 3.45, Madhya 9.267, Madhya 24.71
sama—like. Adi 6.38, Adi 7.97, Madhya 2.32, Antya 6.252
sama—of equal Adi 3.89, Antya 3.92
sama—equipoised Madhya 14.152, Madhya 14.161
sama—the Sama-veda Bg 9.17, SB 5.2.9
sama—control of the mind SB 5.9.1-2
sama—unaltered Bg 2.15
sama—equiposed Bg 6.8
sama—same SB 3.29.33
sama—symmetrical SB 4.24.51
sama—and equal SB 5.22.7
sama—equal or proper SB 6.9.37
sama—the same. Adi 4.25
sama—equal level Adi 6.53
sama—same. Antya 4.179
sama—equal to. Antya 6.134
sama—just like Antya 17.48
sama—level SB 4.17.4
sama—years SB 8.12.44
sama—gentle SB 4.29.54
sama—according to the Sama Veda SB 10.7.13-15
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: sama
sama-darsanah—equipoised SB 4.13.7, SB 4.28.37
sama-drsah—having the same ecstatic emotions Madhya 8.224, Madhya 9.123
sama-drk—equibalanced SB 1.4.4, SB 2.7.10
tara sama—equal to that Madhya 19.139, Antya 9.95
agni-sama—as hot as fire Antya 4.118
amrta-sama—just like nectar Antya 10.161
amrta-sama—exactly like nectar Antya 17.28
amrtera sama—just like nectar. Antya 6.304
amrtera sama—like nectar. Antya 13.107
apsara-sama—like an angel of heaven Antya 6.39
brahma-rudra-sama—equal to personalities like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva Madhya 25.79
brahma-samhitara sama—like the scripture Brahma-samhita Madhya 9.239-240
brahma-sama—exactly like Brahman Madhya 8.26
brahma-sama—equal to the impersonal Brahman Madhya 25.74
brhat-sama—the Brhat-sama Bg 10.35
candana-sama—like sandalwood pulp Antya 4.187
candanera sama—exactly like that of sandalwood pulp. Antya 4.198
sisyera sisya sama—equal to the disciple of the disciple. Madhya 25.72
sri-caitanya-sama—equal to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Madhya 25.268
suska-kastha-sama—exactly like dry wood Adi 12.70
damodara-sama—equal to Svarupa Damodara Madhya 10.116
damodara-sama—like Damodara Antya 3.19
eka sama—one and the same. Adi 5.97
gandharva-sama—just like the Gandharvas Madhya 10.116
iksu-danda-sama—exactly like sugar cane Antya 4.238
indra-sama—like the heavenly King, Indra Antya 6.39
jagadananda-sama—like Jagadananda Pandita Antya 4.162
jala-brahma-sama—the Supreme in the form of water. Madhya 15.135
jala-tulasira sama—equal to water and tulasi Adi 3.105-106
kandarpa-sama—as beautiful as Cupid Antya 4.190
koti-surya-sama—equal to the shining of millions of suns Madhya 11.95
krsna-sama—equal to Krsna Madhya 20.315
krsna-sama—as much as Krsna Madhya 20.396
krsna-sama—like Krsna Madhya 21.121
krsna-tanu-sama—exactly like the transcendental body of Krsna Adi 5.18
kastha-pasana-sama—like wood or stone Antya 5.41
laghu, sama, arya—junior, equal or superior Adi 5.144-145
lauha-sama—like iron Madhya 2.34
mallika-puspa-sama—resembling the mallika flower. Madhya 13.106
matta-simha-sama—just like a maddened lion. Madhya 12.137
mora prana sama—not different from My life and soul Madhya 15.157
mora prana-sama—as good as My life Madhya 13.150
nija-sama—equal to Himself Madhya 21.108
pada-dhuli-sama—like a particle of dust at Your lotus feet Antya 20.34
prapancera sama—equal to the material creation. Adi 5.20
prana-sama—exactly like the life and soul. Madhya 10.117
pulinera sama—just like the bank of the Yamuna Madhya 13.25
puspa-sama—like a flower Madhya 7.72
puri-sama—like Madhavendra Puri Madhya 4.171
putra-sama—like to her own sons Madhya 9.298
purva-sama—the same as previously. Antya 3.80
radha-sama—like Srimati Radharani Madhya 18.10
sama kanti—the luster like Antya 19.41
sama-buddayah—equally disposed Bg 12.3-4
sama-buddhih—having equal intelligence Bg 6.9
sama-caturasram—of the same length on all sides SB 5.16.28
sama-silah—of the same categories SB 1.2.27
sama-citta—in one who is equipoised SB 4.20.16
sama-cittasya—who has attained the stage of being equipoised SB 7.13.9
sama-cittatvam—equilibrium Bg 13.8-12
sama-cittanam—of those who are equal to everyone SB 10.10.18
sama-cittanam—who are equally disposed toward everyone SB 10.10.41
sama-cittah—persons who see everyone in a spiritual identity SB 5.5.2
sama-cittah—equally disposed to all Madhya 22.82
sama-darsanam—equipoised in vision SB 3.32.25
sama-darsanam—equal to everyone SB 7.1.43
sama-darsanah—seeing equally. Bg 6.29
sama-darsanah—who are equal to everyone SB 9.4.66
sama-darsinah—do see with equal vision. Bg 5.18
sama-darsinah—equipoised SB 7.10.19
sama-darsinah—although sadhus are equal to everyone, to the poor and the rich, the poor man can take advantage of their association SB 10.10.17
sama-darsisu—equal to everyone. SB 6.17.34-35
sama-dharmanam—exactly like SB 4.29.54
sama-duhkha-sukhah—equal in distress and happiness (peaceful) Madhya 23.106-107
sama-drsah—of one who is equally kind to one and all SB 1.9.21
sama-drsah—equipoised SB 4.12.37
sama-drsah—and who are equal toward all SB 8.23.8
sama-drsah sabde—by the word sama-drsah Madhya 8.225
sama-drk—seeing equality SB 3.24.44
sama-drk—equipoised SB 4.14.41
sama-drk—sees equally SB 6.17.34-35
sama-drsteh—because of being equipoised SB 9.19.15
sama-drsti—seeing everything on the same platform Antya 4.179
sama-karna—equally beautiful ears SB 4.24.45-46
sama-kala—simultaneously. Madhya 13.101
sama-kale—at the same time Adi 1.101
sama-kanti—same luster Adi 3.41
sama-matibhih—by persons who have conquered the mind SB 6.16.34
sama-rasa—equal mellows Adi 4.257
sama-sankhyatah—having the same numerical strength SB 6.14.3
sama-tula—on an equal level. Madhya 8.291
sama-vrttau—equally round SB 4.25.24
sama-priyam—and which was equally pleasing in all seasons. SB 10.13.59
suvarnera sama—like gold. Antya 4.201
surya-sama—like the sun planet Madhya 22.31
sadhu-sama-asrayah—the shelter of the good and virtuous Madhya 23.75
sama-gah—that of the Sama Veda SB 1.4.21
sama-gah—engaged as the reciter of the Sama Veda mantras. SB 9.7.22
sama-gaya—unto the udgata priest, who sings the Sama Veda SB 9.11.2
sama-rupah—the best (like the Sama among the Vedas) Madhya 25.143-144
sama-vedah—the Sama-veda Bg 10.22
sama-adibhih—sama, dama, titiksa (controlling the mind. controlling the senses, practicing tolerance) and so on SB 5.4.16
sama-adibhih—by diplomacy and other such means SB 8.21.22
taru-sama—like a tree Adi 17.27
toma sama—like you Antya 3.23
tri-sama—Trisama SB 5.19.17-18
tumi brahma-sama—you are equal with the impersonal Brahman. Madhya 25.73
tan-sama—like her Madhya 9.298
tanra sama—like him. Madhya 7.64
tanra sama—similar Vaisnavas. Madhya 7.102
tanra sama—equal to him. Antya 1.200
tara sama—like him Adi 6.55-56
udirna-sama—forming the Sama Veda. SB 3.21.34
visnu-amsa sama—representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Madhya 1.178
vrksa-sama—like the tree. Antya 20.22
vrndavana-sama—exactly resembling Vrndavana Madhya 14.119
yuga-sama—like a great millennium Antya 20.40
yara sama nahi ana—there is no comparison to this nectar Madhya 25.279
rg-yajuh-sama-atharva-akhyah—the names of the four Vedas SB 1.4.20
rk-yajuh-sama-atharva—the four Vedas SB 3.12.37
a-sama-avartanat—until the end of the brahmacarya-asrama SB 5.9.4
apanara sama—like You Madhya 3.98
atma-sama—one of His confidential associates. Madhya 22.102
atma-sama—as spiritual as Himself. Antya 4.192
atma-sama—as my relatives. Antya 9.120
atma-sama jnana—the notion of equality Madhya 19.225
atma-sama manon—I considered like my relatives. Antya 9.125