salokya—living on the same planet SB 3.29.13
salokya—residence on a Vaikuntha planet Adi 3.18
salokya—the liberation called salokya Adi 5.30
salokya—of the name salokya Madhya 6.266
salokya—the liberation of living in the same planet as the Lord Madhya 6.270
salokya—to live on the same planet as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Madhya 9.268
salokya—to live on the same planet Antya 3.189
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: salokya
salokya-adi—liberation, beginning salokya Adi 4.208
salokya-adi—beginning with salokya Madhya 6.267
salokya-adi—liberation, beginning with salokya Madhya 24.183
salokya-adi-catustayam—the four different types of liberation (salokya, sarupya, samipya and sarsti, what to speak of sayujya) SB 9.4.67