rksa—the firmament SB 2.5.11
rksa—the influential stars SB 2.6.13-16
rksa—luminaries like Asvini SB 3.11.13
rksa—constellations SB 4.9.20-21
rksa—bears SB 8.2.22
rksa—Rksa SB 9.10.19
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: rksa
graha-rksa—the stars and planets SB 5.18.32
graha-rksa-tara-mayam—consisting of all the planets and stars SB 5.23.9
janma-rksa—of one�s own janma-naksatra, or birth star SB 7.14.20-23
janma-rksa-yoge—at that time, there was also a conjunction of the moon with the auspicious constellation Rohini SB 10.7.4
sapada-rksa-dvayam—by stellar calculations, two and a quarter constellations SB 5.22.5
rksa-salyakaih—with rksas and salyakas SB 4.6.19-20
rksa-girih—Rksagiri SB 5.19.16
rksa-malam—the clusters of stars. SB 8.20.24
rksa-rupi—in the form of a stag SB 3.31.36
rksa-rajah tu—the king in the form of a bear also SB 8.21.8
rksa-rat—the King of the Rksas, Jambavan SB 9.10.42-43
rksa-tarah—stars SB 4.12.25