rana—fight. Antya 18.96
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: rana
krida-rana—mock fighting Madhya 19.223
maha-rana—a great fight Madhya 2.63
matha-mathi rana—fighting head to head Adi 5.136
rana-ajire—on the battlefield SB 9.15.32
rana-ajirat—from the battlefield SB 4.10.20
rana-bhuvah—battlefield SB 4.10.18-19
rana-bhuh—the field of battle SB 3.1.37
rana-mukhe—in the front of the battle SB 8.10.19-24
rana-marga—in the tactics of war SB 3.17.30
rana-ranga-durmadah—arrogant on the battlefield SB 6.11.8