prak—previous SB 2.7.5, SB 4.29.63, SB 4.30.49
prak—formerly SB 3.1.25, SB 4.17.24, SB 8.21.21
prak—first SB 3.17.18, SB 4.28.32, SB 6.18.12-13
prak—prior SB 1.6.4
prak—as formerly SB 2.2.1
prak—at first SB 2.10.17
prak—toward the eastern side SB 4.25.47
prak—eastern SB 4.25.48
prak—former SB 4.29.76-77
prak—who previously SB 5.8.26
prak—previously (at the end of the Caksusa-manvantara) SB 5.18.24
prak—previously SB 6.2.42
prak—the origin SB 6.4.30
prak—as before SB 9.11.29
prak—previously, before this birth SB 10.1.68
prak—from the very beginning, before the creation of this cosmic manifestation SB 10.3.15-17
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: prak
prak distam—as previously arranged SB 9.4.48
prak eva—previously Madhya 19.120
prak iva—as formerly Madhya 19.1
prak siddham—that which existed before the creation SB 10.10.32
prak-agraih—with the points facing east SB 4.29.49
prak-agresu—facing east SB 8.9.14-15
prak-drstam—which he had previously seen SB 10.13.63
prak-janma—of My previous appearances SB 10.3.44
prak-janmani—in his previous birth SB 8.3.1
prak-kulan—the upper portion facing east SB 8.24.40
prak-linan—previously merged in dissolution SB 3.10.7
prak-mukhesu—facing east SB 8.9.16-17
prak-udak-mukhah—looking toward the northeast (isana) SB 8.24.40
prak-udicim—northeast SB 3.33.33
prak-udicim—to the northeast SB 6.13.14
prak-udicyam—in the northeastern SB 9.8.9-10
prak-vamsam—the pillars of the sacrificial pandal SB 4.5.14
prak-ayatau—expanding east and west SB 5.16.27
prak-ayatah—extended on the eastern side SB 5.16.8
prak-ayatah—extended to the east SB 5.16.9