phula—flower Adi 10.78-79
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: phula
bandhulira phula—a kind of red flower named bandhuli Madhya 12.213
oda-phula—a particular type of flower Adi 17.39
patra-phala-phula—leaves, fruits and flowers Madhya 14.207
phula-badi—small fried pieces of another kind of dhal Madhya 15.212
phula-badi—light badi Madhya 15.213
phula-badi—a hot dhal preparation Antya 10.137
phula-badi—a preparation of dal Madhya 3.47
phula-bada—soft cake made of dhal Antya 10.149
phula-mala—the flower garlands Adi 14.51
phula-phala bhari—loaded with fruits and flowers Madhya 17.201
phula-phala-patra-yukta—dressed with fruits, flowers and leaves Madhya 14.32
phula-phale—with flowers and fruits Adi 11.6
tila-phula—the blossom of the sesame plant Adi 3.44