Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: patham
locana-patham—the path of the eyes Madhya 2.36
mrtyu-patham—a material life of repeated birth and death SB 9.8.13
pakhanda-patham—the path of sinful activities SB 4.19.38
sat-patham—the path of the Absolute Truth. SB 3.28.1
sva-dharma-patham—the path of religion SB 5.6.9
ujjhita-patham—those who have given up the path of the Absolute Truth SB 2.7.22
yoga-patham—the mystic yoga process SB 4.4.24
yoga-patham—the path of devotional service SB 4.6.35
arya-patham—the path of chastity Antya 7.47