pani—water Antya 4.203, Antya 18.89
pani—hands Bg 13.14
pani—the hand Madhya 14.200
pani—water. Adi 9.9
pani—the water. Adi 14.32
pani—tears Adi 17.219
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: pani
sirah-pani-adisu—between the head and the hands and other parts of the body SB 4.7.53
karonyara pani—water from a pitcher especially used by Mohammedans Madhya 25.193
pani-sankha—a conchshell that can be held in the hand Antya 14.79
pani-carana—hands and legs Madhya 6.150
pani-grahana—marriage Adi 15.4
pani-rodha—checking with Her hand Madhya 14.198
pani-sparsa-aksamabhyam—which were so delicate that they were unable to bear even the touch of Sita�s palm SB 9.10.4
pani-phala—a fruit produced in the water of rivers Antya 18.105
sa-pani-kavalam—with a morsel of food in His hand SB 10.13.61
sa-pani-kavalah—carrying His yogurt and rice in His hand SB 10.13.14
samudrera pani—the water of the sea Antya 20.90-91
sei pani-laksye—on account of this water Antya 4.203
udara-pani—of Lord Krsna NoI 9
visa-garta-pani—water in a poison pit of material happiness Adi 13.123
anibare pani—for bringing water. Antya 6.299