pada—legs Adi 5.185, Adi 14.23
pada—verses Madhya 3.121, Antya 13.79
pada—verse Antya 15.85, Antya 15.89
pada—on the leg SB 1.6.9, SB 1.16.4
pada—by a foot SB 3.19.28, SB 8.19.16
pada—with her foot SB 3.23.50, SB 5.26.29
pada—recite Antya 16.73, Antya 17.29
pada—legs SB 1.19.26, Antya 14.65-66
pada—the feet SB 1.19.33, Antya 9.82
pada—of the lotus feet SB 4.12.22, Adi 1.57
pada—foot Adi 7.59
pada—position SB 1.18.21
pada—lotus feet SB 4.20.29
pada—of feet SB 5.2.6
pada—from their position in Vaikuntha SB 7.1.33
pada—the position Adi 6.97
pada—the lotus feet Adi 17.309
pada—stanza Madhya 1.54
pada—the legs Madhya 2.13
pada—words Madhya 6.194
pada—feet Madhya 12.126
pada—the lotus feet of the Lord Madhya 15.154
pada—the word Madhya 24.25
pada—her foot Antya 14.24
pada—foot Antya 14.29
pada—one verse Antya 15.83
pada—the verse Antya 19.84
pada—leg SB 1.16.18
pada—on one leg SB 1.17.7
pada—by the leg SB 2.7.27
pada—with His foot SB 3.19.9
pada—with His lotus feet SB 4.20.22
pada—by the lotus feet SB 4.24.52
pada—of His foot SB 5.24.27
pada—by his feet SB 6.8.36
pada—by his foot SB 6.9.13-17
pada—with his footstep SB 9.4.47
pada—study Adi 16.50
pada—read Adi 17.90
pada—you read Madhya 6.262
pada—fall Madhya 7.16
pada—just recite Madhya 8.57
pada—just read Antya 1.112
pada—lotus feet SB 1.1.15
pada—of the feet SB 3.16.20
pada—of Your feet SB 3.24.32
pada—on feet Antya 1.2
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: pada
pada-aravinda—of the lotus feet SB 3.15.43, Madhya 17.142, Madhya 24.45, Madhya 24.115, Madhya 25.158
pada-padmam—lotus feet SB 1.15.17, SB 3.20.36, SB 4.6.38, SB 4.8.19, SB 4.9.17
pada-samvahana—massaging the legs. Madhya 17.90, Madhya 19.90, Antya 10.82, Antya 10.83-84, Antya 19.71
pada-dhuli—the dust of the feet Adi 6.65-66, Madhya 6.38, Madhya 25.272, Antya 6.154
nija-pada-pallavam—the shelter of His own lotus feet. Madhya 22.40, Madhya 24.103, Madhya 24.199
pada-ambhoja—lotus feet SB 1.16.6, SB 3.4.15, Adi 11.1
pada-ambhojau—whose lotus feet Adi 1.15, Madhya 1.3, Antya 1.5
pada-ambujam—lotus feet. SB 1.8.36, SB 1.18.4, SB 3.5.43
pada-aravindam—lotus feet SB 3.5.39, Madhya 1.81, Madhya 13.136
prabhu-pada—the lotus feet of the Lord Madhya 1.216, Madhya 6.208, Madhya 8.262
pada-aravinda—unto the lotus feet Madhya 20.59, Antya 4.69, Antya 16.26
pada-mulam—lotus feet SB 4.9.8, SB 4.24.55, SB 8.6.14
pada-padme—unto the lotus feet Adi 1.37, Adi 1.38, Adi 1.39
pada-rajah—by the dust of the lotus feet SB 7.5.32, Madhya 22.53, Madhya 25.85
pada-samvahana—massaging the feet. Adi 5.136, Adi 10.155, Madhya 3.105
bhagna-pada—broken legs Madhya 24.231, Madhya 24.232
bhagavata pada—read Srimad-Bhagavatam Antya 5.131, Antya 13.121
sri-yuta-pada-kamalam—unto the opulent lotus feet Antya 2.1, Antya 3.1
kala-pada—by the rhythms Madhya 24.56, Antya 17.31
pada-abjam—lotus feet. SB 3.5.44, SB 4.24.67
pada-ambuja-dvaya—of the two lotus feet Madhya 6.84, Madhya 11.104
pada-kamalam—to the lotus feet Madhya 19.134, Antya 1.212
pada-renu—the dust of the feet Adi 5.230, Antya 11.54
pada pada—go on reading Antya 15.69, Antya 15.69
pada-ambuja—the lotus feet SB 3.20.5, Adi 6.60
pada-aravinda—of the lotus feet of the Lord SB 7.6.27, SB 7.9.10
pada-mulam—soles of the feet. SB 1.18.16, SB 2.1.26
pada-mulam—feet SB 3.25.43, SB 4.29.50
pada-praksalana—washing the feet Madhya 3.40, Madhya 20.73
pada-praksalana—washing of the feet Madhya 9.83, Madhya 19.85
pada-rajah—the dust of the lotus feet SB 5.12.12, SB 6.11.18
pada-samvahana—massaging the legs. Madhya 9.353, Madhya 14.7
tirtha-pada—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 4.6.24, SB 4.12.49-50
adhauta-pada—without washing the feet SB 6.18.51
apani-pada-sruti—the sruti-mantra beginning apani-padah Madhya 6.150
arana-pada-pankajam—whose lotus feet protect His devotees from all fearful situations SB 5.17.18
ardra-pada—with wet feet SB 6.18.51
avyakta-pada—who sing unclear songs SB 5.13.16
bhakta-pada—the position of a devotee Adi 6.100
bhakta-pada-dhuli—the dust of the lotus feet of a devotee Antya 16.60
bhakta-pada-jala—the water that washed the feet of a devotee Antya 16.60
bhavat-pada-ambhoruha—Your lotus feet SB 10.2.31
bhavat-pada-parayanat—one who is wholly and solely engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord�s lotus feet SB 5.18.22
brahmana-pada—feet of the brahmanas SB 1.19.13
catuh-pada—you are four-legged SB 1.17.12
sloka-anurupa pada—other verses following that particular verse Antya 1.76
sri-madhavendra sri-pada—His Lordship Madhavendra Puri Antya 8.26
sri-pada—Your Holiness Madhya 9.288
sri-pada—O Your Holiness Madhya 9.289
sri-pada—O holy man Madhya 16.63
sri-pada-sevana—service to Madhavendra Puri Antya 8.28
srimat pada-yugam—the most auspicious and beautiful pair of lotus feet SB 8.20.18
srimat-pada-sparsa—by the touch of the lotus feet Madhya 25.77
dvi-pada-pasubhih—who are nothing but animals with two legs SB 5.9.9-10
ei pada—this verse Madhya 3.115
ei pada—this stanza Madhya 3.126
eka pada—a single step Madhya 14.51
eka-pada—one fourth Madhya 21.55
eka-pada vibhuti—a one-fourth manifestation of My opulence Madhya 21.87
eka-pada vibhutira—of one fourth of the energy Madhya 21.57
ekadasa pada—eleven words Madhya 24.10
edita-pada-pithah—feet honored by prayers. SB 3.2.21
gaura-pada-padma—the lotus feet of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Antya 5.106
govinda-pada—to the lotus feet of Govinda Madhya 23.95-98
govinda-pada-padma-asavam—the nectarean beverage flowing from the lotus feet of Govinda Madhya 24.215
guru-pada-asraya—shelter at the feet of a bona fide spiritual master Madhya 22.115
hari-pada—at the two lotus feet of Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 3.15.20
hasta-pada—the arms and legs Antya 17.16
hasta-pada—arm and leg Antya 18.52
hasta-pada-anguli—fingers and toes Antya 3.210
hasta-pada—arms and legs Antya 14.65-66
hasta-pada—the arms and legs Antya 17.21
kara-pada-tala—the palms and the soles of the feet Antya 15.76
kare pada-samvahana—massaged his legs Antya 13.95
krsna-pada-aravindayoh—unto the two lotus feet of Lord Krsna SB 6.1.19
krsna-pada-aravindayoh—(fixed) upon the two lotus feet of Lord Krsna SB 9.4.18-20
krsna-pada-aravindayoh—on the two lotus feet of Krsna Madhya 22.137-139
krsna-pada-arcana—worshiping the lotus feet of Krsna Madhya 20.336
krsna-pada-dasi—a maidservant at the lotus feet of Krsna Antya 20.48
krsna-pada—the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krsna SB 1.12.4
krsna-pada—the feet of Krsna SB 1.15.28
krsna-pada-pitha-age—before the lotus feet of Krsna Madhya 21.70
krsna-pada-pitha-age—in front of the lotus feet of Krsna Madhya 21.93-94
krta-pada-abhivandanam—who had already finished offering respectful obeisances to her father SB 9.3.19
laghu-pada-cihna—the marks of the lotus feet, which were very small at that time Adi 14.7
mahat-pada-rajah—of the dust of the lotus feet of a mahatma Madhya 22.52
mat-pada-seva—the service of My lotus feet SB 3.25.34
mukti-pada haya—is known as mukti-pada Madhya 6.272
mukti-pada-sabde—by the word mukti-pada Madhya 6.271
sat-pada—bees SB 8.2.14-19
nija-pada—Your lotus feet. Madhya 13.147
nija-pada-dana—shelter at Your lotus feet. Antya 11.5
nija-pada-padma—His own lotus feet Adi 5.182
nija-pada-pallavam—His own lotus feet. SB 5.19.27
nityananda-pada—the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda Adi 11.47
na pada kutarka garte—do not fall down into the pit of false arguments Madhya 25.279
nahi pada—You never read Adi 16.92
nandi-sloka pada—please recite the introductory verse Antya 1.127
narayana-pada-asrayah—their real weapon being shelter at the lotus feet of Narayana. SB 8.10.4
narayana-pada-pankaja—of the lotus feet of Lord Narayana SB 5.19.22
pada suni—by hearing the stanzas Madhya 3.122
pada dhari—keeping Your feet Antya 6.133
pada dhari—keeping His feet Antya 6.138
pada-abhipidita—distressed due to the heavy weight of the lotus feet of the Lord SB 7.8.33
pada-abhivandane—in offering obeisances to the lotus feet SB 9.4.18-20
pada-abhivandane—in offering prayers at the lotus feet Madhya 22.137-139
pada-abja—lotus feet SB 4.8.22
pada-abja—of the lotus feet SB 6.16.32
pada-abja-yugmam—whose two lotus feet SB 6.17.13
pada-abjayoh—at the lotus feet Adi 15.1
pada-angustha—the toes of His lotus feet SB-4.21.31
pada-angustha-vinihsrta—emanating from the toe of the Lord Madhya 24.217
pada-ambhoja—of the lotus feet SB 4.6.24
pada-ambhoja—from the lotus feet SB 4.20.25
pada-ambhoja—the lotus feet Adi 10.1
pada-ambujam—the lotus feet. SB 1.11.26
pada-ambujam—whose lotus feet. SB 3.32.22
pada-ambujah—having lotus feet. SB 3.24.17
pada-ambujat—from the lotus feet SB 1.8.37
pada-anugaih—by infantry SB 9.10.35-38
pada-anusarpane—walking to those places SB 9.4.18-20
pada-anusarpane—in walking to Madhya 22.137-139
pada-anusmrti—constant remembrance of the lotus feet of the Lord SB 3.5.13
pada-aravinda—lotus feet SB 4.9.12
pada-aravindam—the lotus feet. SB 3.33.37
pada-aravindayoh—of the lotus feet SB 4.9.36
pada-aravinde—unto the lotus feet Adi 1.42
pada-artha—knowledge SB 4.7.31
pada-artha—categories Adi 2.93
pada-artha—subject matter Madhya 6.272
pada-artha—meanings Antya 17.40
pada-arthasya—of physical bodies SB 3.11.2
pada-chaya—the shade of the feet Adi 5.230
pada-cihna—footprints Adi 14.8
pada-cyutah—nor do I fear being deprived of my position SB 8.22.3
pada-dhuli—dust of the feet Madhya 15.82
pada-dhuli—dust of the lotus feet Antya 7.46
pada-dhuli-sama—like a particle of dust at Your lotus feet Antya 20.34
pada-dvaya—two lotus feet Madhya 13.137
pada-ekena—on one leg SB 8.1.8
pada-hasta—legs and hands Madhya 13.107
pada-kamala tomara—Your lotus feet Madhya 13.141
pada-kamalayoh—of the two lotus feet Madhya 13.80
pada-nakha—of the nails on the toes Madhya 21.128
pada-nyasaih—footprints SB 1.17.26
pada-panktibhih—by the series of the marks SB 5.8.23
pada-pravalam—feet reddish like coral SB 8.12.19
pada-renu—the dust of the lotus feet Antya 20.152
pada-tala—the soles of His feet Madhya 2.34
pada-tala—His foot Madhya 13.83
pada-tale—under the shelter of the lotus feet Adi 10.91
pada-trayam—three steps only SB 1.3.19
pada-trayam—three paces of land SB 8.13.13
pada-trayam—three steps SB 8.15.1-2
pada-trayam—three feet SB 8.19.19
pada-upasarpanam—worship of the lotus feet SB 8.24.30
pada-vinyasa—with styles of walking SB 5.2.5
pada-yuga-alaya—fully absorbed in meditation on the lotus feet SB 7.9.18
pada-asrayah—taken shelter of the lotus feet SB 4.12.49-50
pada-ahatah—being trampled by the foot SB 7.8.3-4
pada-ahatam—beaten on the legs SB 1.17.3
pada-akrantan—following at her heels SB 3.31.38
pada-alambhah—the taking hold of the lotus feet Adi 3.63
pada ahanat—struck on the leg SB 1.16.5
pada ekena—standing on only one leg SB 1.17.2
pada ekena—with one leg SB 4.8.76
pada ekena—by one step SB 8.19.34
pada ekena—by one footstep SB 8.20.32-33
pada ekena—by one step only SB 8.21.31
pada ekena—on one foot SB 10.1.40
prabhu-pada—the lotus feet of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Madhya 9.103
prabhu-pada—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's lotus feet Madhya 15.290
prabhu-pada—the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Antya 2.147
prabhu-pada dhari—catching the feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Madhya 14.6
prabhu-pada dhari—catching hold of the lotus feet of the Lord Madhya 16.279
prabhu-pada paila—achieved the shelter of the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Antya 2.166
prabhu-pada-aghate—by the kicking of Lord Jagannatha Madhya 13.12
prabhu-pada-tale—at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Antya 19.68
prabhu-pada-upadhana—the pillow of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's legs Antya 19.69
pada capi—massaging the legs Antya 19.73
pada praksalana—washing of the lotus feet Madhya 7.122
pada praksalana—washing the feet Madhya 15.223
pada praksalana kari—after washing His feet Antya 12.124
pada praksalila—washed the feet Madhya 24.275
pada praksalite—washing His feet Antya 16.45
pada-abje—to the lotus feet Madhya 25.86
pada-angustha—with the big toes of his feet SB 7.3.2
pada-angustha—His toe Antya 12.50
pada-ankita—marked with footprints SB 3.1.32
pada-ambhojat—from the lotus flower of His feet Adi 16.82
pada-ambuja-sarvasvaih—whose all in all is the lotus feet Madhya 23.100
pada-ambujam—under the lotus feet SB 2.9.18
pada-ambujam—the lotus feet SB 6.3.11
pada-ambujam—whose lotus feet SB 9.11.21
pada-amburuha—on the lotus feet SB 7.7.30-31
pada-aravinda—of the lotus feet SB 6.3.28
pada-aravindam—the lotus feet SB 3.13.4
pada-aravindam—lotus feet SB 3.21.14
pada-aravindam—the lotus feet of the Lord SB 9.10.13
pada-aravindasya—of the lotus feet SB 4.22.20
pada-aravinde—in the lotus feet Madhya 6.255
pada-avanatam—fallen at her feet SB 4.9.46
pada-avanejana-pavitrataya—because of washing the lotus feet of Lord Visnu and thus being transcendentally pure SB 8.21.4
pada-sauca—washing the feet Antya 7.10
pada-saucat—by the water which washed His lotus feet SB 4.1.14
pada-cari—moving on foot SB 6.12.27-29
pada-carinam—of the animals who move on legs, like the cows and buffalo SB 6.4.9
pada-eka-mula—whose only shelter is the lotus feet SB 6.11.24
pada-jala—water from washing the feet Antya 16.43
pada-madhye—between the two legs Madhya 15.24
pada-mulam—the shelter of the lotus feet SB 2.8.6
pada-mulam—the lotus feet SB 4.9.31
pada-mulam—at the lotus feet SB 5.10.15
pada-mulam—to His transcendental lotus feet SB 6.4.33
pada-mulam—at the root of his feet SB 9.4.36
pada-mule—at the feet SB 6.14.50-51
pada-mule—at the lotus feet SB 7.1.38
pada-mulat—from the lotus feet Adi 4.125
pada-nakha—nails of the feet SB 1.18.21
pada-okah—shelter of Your lotus feet SB 4.7.28
pada-padma—of the lotus flower of the feet SB 8.23.7
pada-padma—unto the lotus feet Adi 1.40
pada-padma—of the lotus feet Antya 6.136
pada-padma—the lotus feet Antya 19.6
pada-padmam—the lotus feet SB 8.22.10
pada-padme—on the lotus feet Adi 7.170
pada-padme—at the lotus feet Antya 4.40
pada-pankaja—of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 8.9.28
pada-pankaja—lotus feet Antya 20.32
pada-pallavam—lotus feet SB 2.2.10
pada-pita—at Krsna's lotus feet Madhya 21.72
pada-pithah—whose lotus feet. Madhya 21.33
pada-pithe—at the lotus feet Madhya 21.70
pada-pithe stuti—offering prayers unto the lotus feet Madhya 21.72
pada-prahara pana—being kicked Antya 12.25
pada-praksalane—washing the feet Antya 16.42
pada-prasarana—extending His legs. Antya 19.68
pada-purane—in completing the verse Madhya 24.67
pada-puta-jalam hareh—whose water is transcendentally pure because of emanating from the toes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Visnu. SB 9.9.9
pada-pamsubhih—by the dust of the feet SB 4.4.13
pada-pamsuh—dust of the lotus feet SB 10.12.12
pada-raja—the dust of your feet Antya 16.22
pada-rajasa—by the dust of their lotus feet SB 7.14.42
pada-rajah—the dust of the feet SB 3.22.6
pada-ratam—who is fallen at the lotus feet Antya 20.47
pada-renum upasate—worship the dust of the lotus feet. SB 8.16.36
pada-samvahana-adibhih—even by massaging her feet. SB 9.18.35
pada-samvahana-adibhih—by massaging His feet, etc. Adi 5.139
pada-samvahanam—massaging the feet Adi 6.64
pada-samvahana—massaging Your legs Antya 10.88
pada-samvahana—massaging of the legs Antya 10.90
pada-samvahana—massaging of the feet Antya 18.108
pada-samvahane—massaging the feet Antya 12.146
pada-saroja-bhajam—of the devotees engaged in the transcendental loving service of Your lotus feet SB 3.4.15
pada-sarojam—lotus feet SB 3.21.21
pada-saroruha—of the lotus feet SB 5.18.21
pada-sevanam—worshiping the lotus feet. SB 4.8.41
pada-sevanam—serving the feet SB 7.5.23-24
pada-sevanam—executing devotional service according to time, circumstances and situation, only in relationship with Visnu Madhya 9.259-260
pada-seva—by serving the lotus feet SB 4.9.27
pada-sevaya mati—her desire is to serve the lotus feet Antya 20.60
pada-sparsa kaila—touched with His feet Madhya 16.224
pada-sparsa-vilajjitah—being ashamed because Durvasa was touching his lotus feet SB 9.5.2
pada-sparsam—being touched by the feet SB 4.10.10
pada-sprsah—from the touch of the lotus feet Madhya 24.206
pada-talatah—on the bottom or soles of the feet SB 2.5.40-41
pada-tirtha—the water which washed their feet SB 4.22.11
pada-tirthat—from the Personality of Godhead SB 3.4.20
pada-udaka—the water that touched the lotus feet Antya 11.65
pada-upadhana—shoes Adi 10.33
pada-upasarpanam—approaching the lotus feet SB 7.6.2
pada-vislesana—separation from His lotus feet SB 3.4.5
pada-viksepana—throwing forth of the foot. Madhya 24.19
pada-una—less by a quarter (six hundred miles) SB 4.6.32
pada-yugalam—both the feet SB 4.26.20
pada-asraya—of the shelter of the lotus feet Adi 3.1
pada-adi—legs, etc. SB 2.2.13
pada-atmika—only one fourth Madhya 21.56
pada-padasira—neighboring Adi 14.40
radha-krsna-pada-ambuja—on the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna Madhya 8.253
sahasra-pada—thousands of legs SB 1.3.4
sei pada—that special line Antya 10.67
sei pada—that verse Antya 15.88
sei pada-padma—those lotus feet Madhya 7.124
sva-pada-mulam—the lotus feet of Krsna, the shelter of the devotees Madhya 22.144
sva-pada-mule—at His lotus feet SB 7.9.5
sva-pada-pallavam—the petals of Mis lotus feet SB 9.11.19
sva-pada-sparsana—of touching His feet Adi 6.74
tat-amala-pada-padme—at the spotless lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Antya 20.154
tat-pada—of His feet SB 1.3.38
tat-pada—their lotus feet SB 4.22.5
tat-pada—of His lotus feet SB 9.4.18-20
tat-pada-saucam—the water that washed the lotus feet of the Lord SB 8.18.28
tat-pada-grahau—grasping their feet SB 3.15.35
tat-pada-mulam—at his feet SB 1.17.29
tat-pada-mulam—at the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 5.9.20
tat-pada-mule—at His lotus feet SB 9.4.61
tat-pada-padmam—Lord Nrsimhadeva�s lotus feet SB 7.9.6
tat-pada-padmayoh—of the lotus feet of His Lordship SB 8.16.37
tat-pada-salilam yatha—exactly as the entire world is purified by the Ganges water emanating from the toe of Lord Visnu. SB 10.1.16
tat-pada-saroja—of the Lord's lotus feet Madhya 22.137-139
tat-tat-pada—all those items Madhya 6.195
tirtha-pada—of the Lord�s lotus feet SB 3.23.56
tirtha-pada—about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, at whose feet all the holy places stand SB 6.2.46
tirtha-pada—at whose lotus feet stand all the holy places of pilgrimage SB 8.17.8
tri-pada-vyaja-yacnaya—by simply asking three steps of land SB 8.21.9
tri-pada vibhutira—of the spiritual world, having three fourths of My energy Madhya 21.87
tri-pada-vibhuti krsnera—three fourths of the energy of Lord Krsna Madhya 21.57
tvat-pada—to Your feet SB 3.19.30
tvat-pada-abjam—of Your lotus feet SB 10.3.27
tvat-pada-darsana—seeing Your lotus feet. Madhya 16.132
tvat-pada-potena—by boarding such a boat as Your lotus feet SB 10.2.30
tanra pada-padma—the lotus feet of Gopinatha Madhya 4.14
udiya-pada—a line of a song in the language of Orissa Antya 10.67
urukrama-pada-saucam—the water washed from the feet of the Personality of Godhead SB 2.7.18
uttama-sloka-pada-aravindayoh—to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by transcendental prayers SB 7.4.42
vaikuntha-pada—to the abode of Visnu SB 4.13.1
vaikuntha-pada-mula-upasarpanam—the approaching of the shelter of Lord Visnu�s lotus feet SB 6.17.14
visnu-pada-padme—in the lotus feet of Lord Visnu Adi 16.80
visnu-pada-utpatti—her origin from the lotus feet of the Lord Adi 16.83
vama-pada—of His left leg SB 5.17.1
yat-pada—whose feet SB 1.4.11
yat-pada—one whose feet SB 2.7.4
yat-pada—whose lotus feet SB-4.21.31
yat-pada-mulam—the lotus feet of whom (Lord Sankarsana) SB 6.15.28
yat-pada-padmam—the lotus feet of whom SB 4.4.15
yat-pada-pankeruha—whose lotus feet SB 7.15.68
yat-pada-seva-abhirucih—the taste for serving the lotus feet of Lord Krsna Madhya 24.217
yukta-pada-arthesu—the appropriate application of things Madhya 24.69