Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: okasah
diva-okasah—all the demigods SB 4.13.33
diva-okasah—the demigods. SB 7.2.9
hrta-okasah—whose abodes were taken by Hiranyakasipu SB 7.8.26
jala-okasah—the crocodile, whose home is the water. SB 8.2.30
jambu-dvipa-okasah—the inhabitants of Jambudvipa SB 5.2.1
kusa-dvipa-okasah—the inhabitants of the island known as Kusadvipa SB 5.20.16
nabha-okasah—the inhabitants of the sky, or the birds SB 2.6.13-16
nabha-okasah—birds SB 2.10.37-40
pura-okasah—being the inhabitants of the above-mentioned three residential airplanes SB 7.10.59
salila-okasah—because I am a big aquatic SB 8.24.22
vana-okasah—living in the forest SB 4.9.20-21
vana-okasah—the inhabitants of the forest SB 5.19.7
vana-okasah—behaving exactly like an animal in the jungle SB 7.2.7-8
vraja-okasah—village cowherd men SB 7.7.54
vraja-okasah—inhabitants of Vraja SB 10.6.33
vraja-okasah—the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi in distant places SB 10.6.41
vraja-okasah—to the inhabitants of Vraja SB 10.7.6
vraja-okasah—all the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, Vrndavana SB 10.12.15