niyama—regulative principles SB 5.9.6, Antya 16.43
niyama—regular practice. Madhya 1.65
niyama—restriction. Madhya 16.67
niyama—the strict regulative principles Antya 6.309
niyama—the rule Antya 8.53
niyama—rules and regulations NoI 2
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: niyama
bhavat-niyama-anupathah—who are always obedient to your order SB 5.10.4
divasa-niyama—a fixed date in every month. Antya 10.153
niyama karila—accepted regularly. Madhya 15.192
niyama kariyachi—I have made a vow Antya 3.249
niyama-avalopam—breaking the vow SB 2.7.6
niyama-codanah—the regulative principles further meant for controlling the senses and mind SB 7.15.28
niyama-krt—one following regulative principles SB 6.1.12
niyama-adi—restrictions and so on Madhya 22.145
se niyama—that is the regulation Antya 10.95
vrata-niyama—vows and regulative principles Madhya 9.113
achaye niyama—it is the custom Madhya 13.196