nivrtta—completely transcendental to the actions of the material modes SB 1.8.27
nivrtta—being stopped SB 1.9.31
nivrtta—without endeavor SB 3.5.6
nivrtta—retired SB 3.8.21
nivrtta—averted from SB 3.14.37
nivrtta—transcended SB 3.27.10
nivrtta—freed SB 3.33.26
nivrtta—stopped SB 5.9.9-10
nivrtta—released from SB 10.1.4
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: nivrtta
nivrtta hana—stopping such an action Madhya 16.275
nivrtta hana—being restrained Madhya 17.23
nivrtta-dvaita-drstaye—whose vision turns away from duality, or who is one without a second. SB 6.16.18-19
nivrtta-manaya—who has surpassed all material measurements and calculations SB 6.4.23