nasta—destroyed SB 1.2.18, Madhya 24.181
nasta—abolished SB 1.18.44
nasta—having disappeared SB 3.19.19
nasta—devoid of SB 7.15.72
nasta—spoiled Adi 12.15
nasta—lost SB 9.14.29
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: nasta
nasta kaila—spoiled Adi 17.210
nasta-caksusah—those who have lost their vision. SB 3.7.40
nasta-saucah—cleanliness being abandoned SB 4.2.29
nasta-saucaya—being devoid of all cleanliness SB 4.2.16
nasta-srih—bereft of all beauty SB 4.28.6
nasta-sriyam—unto Bali Maharaja, who had lost his bodily luster SB 8.21.28
nasta-dravinah—who has lost his riches SB 5.8.15
nasta-drsam—one who is already bereft of his transcendental sight SB 5.5.15
nasta-drsam—of persons who have lost their sight SB 1.3.43
nasta-drsam—of persons who have lost their spiritual vision Madhya 24.321
nasta-drstinam—who have lost their goal of life SB 4.21.51
nasta-drstih—who have lost sight SB 5.5.16
nasta-kustham—cured the leprosy Madhya 7.1
nasta-prajnah—bereft of all intelligence SB
nasta-prajnah—bereft of intelligence SB 4.28.6
nasta-samah—without life SB 10.12.15
nasta-sat-acarah—who lost all brahminical qualities SB 6.1.21
nasta-smrtih—bereft of all intelligence SB 4.28.27
nasta-smrtih—having gotten rid of the memory of seeing the universal form within Krsna�s mouth SB 10.8.44
nasta-vat—as lost SB 3.27.15
nasta-vittah—one who has lost his fortune SB 3.27.15
vidvesa-nasta-matayah—whose intelligence was lost in envy SB 6.14.43