maye—all-pervading. SB 7.13.4
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: maye
guna-maye—into the external features, consisting of the three modes of material nature SB 5.16.3
maha-maye—O energy of Lord Visnu SB 6.19.6
maha-yoga-maye—having many sages engaged in meditation on the Supreme SB 4.6.33
maya-maye—in illusory things SB 2.2.2
maya-maye—the reservoir of all potencies SB 4.23.18
maya-maye—illusory energy SB 6.9.36
padma-maye—made of a lotus SB 4.18.17
tamra-maye—made of copper SB 5.26.14
asaya-maye—and that filled with desires (the mind) SB 7.9.35
ascarya-maye—in the all-mysterious SB 1.8.16