matre—to her mother SB 9.15.9
matre—unto His mother (Yasoda) SB 10.7.30
matre—unto mother Yasoda SB 10.8.32
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: matre
darsana-matre—simply seeing You Madhya 8.51-52
darsana-matre—as soon as one sees Antya 18.51
iccha-matre—just by desire Antya 11.96
ksana-matre—within a moment Antya 19.51
nama-abhasa matre—simply by a glimpse of the chanting of the holy name Antya 3.195
prani-matre—to any living entity however insignificant Madhya 22.120
sparsa-matre—as soon as I touched it Antya 18.49
sva-matre—unto His own mother SB 2.7.3
tomara iccha-matre—simply by your desire Madhya 15.171
ananda-matre—the reservoir of all pleasure SB 4.11.30