matram—that sac-cid-ananda transcendental body SB 5.19.4
matram—for a moment SB 6.11.5
matram—an insignificant portion only SB 3.11.28
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: matram
ananda-matram—impersonal Brahman effulgence SB 3.9.3, Antya 5.124-125
acira-matram—temporarily SB 3.15.18
bhuta-matram—the five gross material elements and the sense objects (form, taste, sound and so on) SB 6.4.25
sabda-matram—the subtle element sound SB 3.26.32
sakti-matram—to our ability. SB 8.7.34
drsta-matram—being only seen Madhya 24.349
gandha-matram—the subtle element odor SB 3.26.44
go-dohana-matram—only for the time of milking the cow SB 1.4.8
isu-matram—an arrow’s flight SB 6.9.13-17
jata-matram—the newborn child SB 10.4.8
kakinika-matram—a very small amount (twenty cowries) SB 5.14.26
maya-matram—only illusion SB 7.13.5
nimitta-matram—just become the cause Bg 11.33
nimitta-matram—remote cause SB 4.11.17
pratibodha-matram—a consciousness opposed to the material counterpart SB 2.7.47
pradesa-matram—a synopsis only SB 1.5.20
pradesa-matram—measuring only eight inches SB 2.2.8
pradesa-matram—with the measurement of six inches Madhya 24.156
paniya-matram—only the drinking water SB 9.21.10
rasa-matram—the subtle element taste SB 3.26.41
samjnana-matram—only the consciousness of the living entities SB 6.4.47
satta-matram—the original substance, the cause of everything SB 10.3.24
tat-matram—sense perception SB 3.5.34
tat-matram—the same as SB 3.10.12
ananda-matram—simply blissful SB 4.9.16
ananda-matram—always in transcendental bliss SB 8.12.7