Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: man
bhakti-man—a pure devotee (cleansed of the modes of material nature) SB 6.2.24-25
bhakti-man—possessing devotion Madhya 23.110
buddhi-man—an intelligent person Adi 1.59
sakti-man—the possessor of the energies Adi 7.117
sri-man—glorious SB 6.18.10
sri-man—most beautiful Adi 1.17
ksiti-vrtti-man—accepting the profession of the earth. SB 4.16.7
man-manah—thinking of Me Bg 18.65
mati-man—an intelligent man Adi 9.43
murti-man—embodied Madhya 8.144
man ya kari—giving honor Antya 6.64
nivrtti-man—containing detachment SB 3.32.34-36
svasti-man—full of all auspiciousness SB 7.7.50